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spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

so, I am a holiday nut. I am catholic and I celebrate christmas, but in truth I love ALL of the holidays around this time.

I think Hannukah sounds beautiful and one of the songs I love is a hannukah song.
and Kwanzaa also.

but anyway, I really celebrate christmas. I am a child when I think of it. everything about the season.

and especially Charlie Brown Christmas. hot cocoa. wrapping and unwrapping gifts. Christmas Eve mass. christmas eve dinner (fried shrimp Chat Icon )

and I am DYING for Luce to be a Christmas/holiday nut too.

last year he was two months old. so I had to contain myself Chat Icon

but this year I want to go berzerker with things...tree trimming and cookie baking and Jesus and the nativity and I am crazy anticipating his delight under the tree. so many presents to unwrap.

but, am I ahead of myself here? is he going to "love" it yet. or is he too young.

do I have to reign it in another year? Chat Icon or will it be like the story in mind? Chat Icon

btdt's tell me about your christmas with a one year old.

Posted 11/15/10 12:59 PM
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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

IMHO if you get excited about it, so will he. He may not fully understand it all, but in time he'll get it all. You might actually enjoy each year as he understands more and more.

Posted 11/15/10 1:03 PM

Love to Bake!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

First, I am a an insane Xmas fanatic like you. I LIVE for this time of year!!!! Last Xmas my DD was 15 months old and she enjoyed looking at the tree and she had fun opening gifts but I would say that on the whole, she still didn't quite get the whole thing. This year though she is just over 2 and already she gets SOOOOOO excited when she sees any Xmas decorations, she talks about Santa, she asks to watch Xmas cartoons and movies, and so on. I see a big difference in her from last year to now with regards to excitement over Xmas and other things. You're LO will have fun and enjoy Xmas but I think next year will be even better when he has an understanding of the holiday and can get excited over the anticipation and hoopla surrounding Xmas. KWIM?

Posted 11/15/10 1:04 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

DD is 3 and is just starting to "get it."

She tells me that she has to ask Ho Ho for something when it's christmas. She dosen't know when it is exactly, but she knows it's not right now.

When she was around 15 months, it was exciting, because she liked the decorations and the tree, but had no idea what was going on.

I think the older they get, the more they get it.

Posted 11/15/10 1:04 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

AJ was 3mo at first xmas.. really didn't care of course

Last year she was 16m and she LOVED the tree! So much so it was still up in April because she'd ask for it .... "tee?"

She'd stare at the lights in awe. It never really died away. She loved ripping open the presents.

We dont have a lot of money so we only had like two for her but she enjoyed it. Chat Icon and she's the only one with presents since again money is tight.

This year I hope to introduce her to ginger bread cookies and I've already begun to play xmas song CDs in the car for her Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:14 PM

My miracles!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

Im willing to bet he will enjoy the colors of the holiday as well as the smells and songs and the pageantry. Have fun with it but be realistic that he won't get the meaning behind it for quite some time.

Personally, Im amused at listening to Abby try to say "Chanukah" and I pray she doesn't eat the foil on the coins.

Posted 11/15/10 1:17 PM

Baby #1 is here!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all this time of year, Christmas, traditions etc... I hope DD does too!

Posted 11/15/10 1:23 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

He'll enjoy it - but no, I don't think he'll "get" it this year. But it's never too early to introduce him to the festivities Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:27 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

I hate to tell you but he is probably still young. I was very disappointed when DD didn't respond to Christmas as I expected (it's my favorite holiday too).

So enjoy it but don't try to force it, IMO.

Posted 11/15/10 1:31 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

but.....will he sit with me and watch Charlie Brown Christmas? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

he sits for NOTHING. NOTHING.

but I so want to snuggle up and watch it with him. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:31 PM

party of five

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

My older DS was 7 months and then 18 months around the previous holidays

he didnt care one way or the nect his 1st xmas but I did see an xmas sparkle during the 18 month mark

I will tell u now that he is 3.5 yrs xmas is in FULL effect----he understands church, tree, santa, gifts, cookies etc

IMO it is fun every year with a child but to me it gets better and better as they become MORE aware--although I think when they are teenagers will say the opposite

Posted 11/15/10 1:36 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

Posted by Ophelia

but.....will he sit with me and watch Charlie Brown Christmas? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

he sits for NOTHING. NOTHING.

but I so want to snuggle up and watch it with him. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I cried last year when Ryan watched Rudolf. He was 19/20 months or so. Colin was just born and we let him "stay up" for a treat to watch it. He was screaming with excitement at the TV, "Canter Claus!!!" over and over. Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:38 PM

Love my little boys!!!

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

You are def not ahead of yourself! I see nothing wrong with going over baord and being excited even if he doesnt quite understand it all. DS will be almost 7 months by christmas and DH is soooo excited (so am I) and is already plannung how he wants to put all the lights onthe house!

Posted 11/15/10 1:44 PM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

I think he's too young to get it, but not too young to be introduced to all of the joys of Christmas.

Try to lower your expectations... a little... so you are not dissapointed. He might not sit through Charlie Brown Christmas... Chat Icon But you can share many Christmas festivities with him and make wonderful memories even before he totally "gets it"!

Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:47 PM


Member since 5/09

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

I love the holidays but I think it maybe asking a little much of an 18 month old boy to sit still through that movie, unless you do it close to bed time and hope for the best. Teddy really started to get it last year at 2. I am sooo excited for this year.

Posted 11/15/10 1:47 PM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

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Re: spinoff...something *I* am crazy about but I don't want my expectations too high..14 months and the holiday season.

I love the holidays as well and even if DD is too young to get it, I'll still go crazy and do all the holiday stuff I love with her and DH. She may not sit through all of it or even understand what her crazy mommy is doing Chat Icon but I feel like it's the beginning our our family traditions that will continue year after year and I will involve her in everything I can Chat Icon

As far as Charlie Brown...get the DVD so you can pause and go when needed Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/10 1:50 PM
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