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Member since 5/05

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Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Who proof reads the articles?

I was just reading the article on military relationships. Since I've been in one for four years married and three more dating and couldn't believe some of the errors in grammar as well as numerous assumptions that were made. ( I know I don't write welll myself but I don't consider myself a writer either)

Many things read wrong to me and I was just wondering where the author gained her information about the ages of most brides, enlisted information. I especially disliked the fact that it added to the one bad seed ruins the whole bunch with the cheating comments.

I've been in this type of relationship for approx 7 years, and I'm confused by alot of the information. Also not all wives have husbands who have the ability to email or instant message. Heck, I don't even know where he is and he isn't allowed to send any form of pictures to me.

"Confidence and Trust: It’s easy to lose “faith” when your man or woman has been away for so long. And of course stereotypical stories of available partners waiting at every port is not likely to boost your assurance. In fact, in the past, many military men actually justified their actions due to the fact that they were placing their lives on the line and had NO assurance the would be returning home. And many even joked, that they weren’t “really” married when out to sea or at war."

Who are these men?? since she mentions the word "Fact" so many times when she starts it off with stereotypical stories....

I sorry if I upset anyone, I'm having a hard time explaining what about this article upsets me since I'm not a great writer myself.

Message edited 9/25/2006 2:12:21 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 2:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Posted 9/25/06 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Thank you. It hurt to read in so many ways. I've read some other articles and they weren't bad but her's are just off.

Ron, are the writer's not LIF employees?

Posted 9/25/06 2:16 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

I didn't read the article, but from what you have posted I would be PO'd too.

Posted 9/25/06 2:18 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by -Laurie-

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Thank you. It hurt to read in so many ways. I've read some other articles and they weren't bad but her's are just off.

Ron, are the writer's not LIF employees?

THIS is the article that really upset me.

"And, if you’re wondering how much of an impact 10 to 20 hours more a week in child care can have on young children, researchers say, it can be significant enough to classify these children not as just a bit defiant, but actually in an “at risk” category, making them potentially “dangerous” and in need of therapy. Among the most common behavioral problems were disobedience, arguing, cheating, destruction of objects and property, lying, hitting, bullying, throwing temper tantrums, and demands for excessive attention."

Message edited 9/25/2006 10:02:49 PM.

Posted 9/25/06 10:01 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by -Laurie-

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Thank you. It hurt to read in so many ways. I've read some other articles and they weren't bad but her's are just off.

Ron, are the writer's not LIF employees?

THIS is the article that really upset me.

"And, if you’re wondering how much of an impact 10 to 20 hours more a week in child care can have on young children, researchers say, it can be significant enough to classify these children not as just a bit defiant, but actually in an “at risk” category, making them potentially “dangerous” and in need of therapy. Among the most common behavioral problems were disobedience, arguing, cheating, destruction of objects and property, lying, hitting, bullying, throwing temper tantrums, and demands for excessive attention."

Okay, that is just INSANE! There are so many working Moms on this board. We could not live on our own if I didn't work -- let alone have a car, and it would be hard to put food on the table. I am sure a lot of working moms agree that they aren't doing it for selfish reasons but to help their families thrive and flourish.

If what was said in the article is true then there are going to be a whole lotta people in therapy in 15-20 years.

Posted 9/25/06 10:54 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

I felt the same way about the working moms article, and I am one.

I remember thinking it was a horrible place to post it.

Posted 9/25/06 10:58 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by -Laurie-

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Thank you. It hurt to read in so many ways. I've read some other articles and they weren't bad but her's are just off.

Ron, are the writer's not LIF employees?

THIS is the article that really upset me.

"And, if you’re wondering how much of an impact 10 to 20 hours more a week in child care can have on young children, researchers say, it can be significant enough to classify these children not as just a bit defiant, but actually in an “at risk” category, making them potentially “dangerous” and in need of therapy. Among the most common behavioral problems were disobedience, arguing, cheating, destruction of objects and property, lying, hitting, bullying, throwing temper tantrums, and demands for excessive attention."

WOW That is so out of line!!

Laurie I don't like what she wrote about military relationships either and I am not in one!

Ron seriously where did you find this woman with such skwed positions!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/25/06 11:06 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

I just read this article as well- as it piqued my interest because my brother is in the military and just got married. Although my brother may be considered to be young (he is 23 and his wife is 22)- it does not mean that they are too young to get married. They are 2 of the both most mature 23 and 22 year old you would ever meet. Even though they will soon be apart for many weeks, months, etc at a time, I know that neither of them would EVER cheat- and that thought would never even come across their mind.

I have to agree with Laurie that this article is extremely stereotypical. The part that really annoyed me was the part where she said that the enlisted personell make less money, have more financial stress, and more marital conflict. While it is a shame at how little these men who are FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY make sometimes, it does not mean that this could cause them and their spouse to fight more. I dont know why, but that part bothered me alot.

Posted 9/25/06 11:09 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by nov04libride

Posted by -Laurie-

Posted by nov04libride

That same writer wrote an article about working moms (and basically how it ruins children)...Chat Icon I'm not even a mom and reading it got my blood boiling. I did a web search on her and it seems she is a freelancer (her articles are also on the Knot), but I wouldn't pay a cent for her obvious opinions.

Thank you. It hurt to read in so many ways. I've read some other articles and they weren't bad but her's are just off.

Ron, are the writer's not LIF employees?

THIS is the article that really upset me.

"And, if you’re wondering how much of an impact 10 to 20 hours more a week in child care can have on young children, researchers say, it can be significant enough to classify these children not as just a bit defiant, but actually in an “at risk” category, making them potentially “dangerous” and in need of therapy. Among the most common behavioral problems were disobedience, arguing, cheating, destruction of objects and property, lying, hitting, bullying, throwing temper tantrums, and demands for excessive attention."

wow, way controversial....kind of offensive as well.

Posted 9/25/06 11:11 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Bumping, hoping that the offensive articles will get taken down

Posted 9/26/06 8:41 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

I am just wondering if anyone thinks these articles are helpfulChat Icon

The problem with opinion writing is that the author, more often than not, will portray their opinions and experiences as fact and truth. It is hard not to editorialize in these situations...

Posted 9/26/06 8:51 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

Posted by MsMBV

The problem with opinion writing is that the author, more often than not, will portray their opinions and experiences as fact and truth. It is hard not to editorialize in these situations...

EXACTLY. These articles should be based on fact, with statistics and resources to back them up! While an opinion may not be popular, if you leave opinion out of it and only report the facts, you can't really be blamed.

Even I do that when I write on my blog. And that's just a personal page!

Posted 9/26/06 8:53 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Staff Writers/Articles on homepage

I have noticed this in the articles too. Poor grammar and spelling, pat "solutions" to complicated issues...etc..

Posted 9/26/06 5:49 PM
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