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Starting on whole milk?

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Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Starting on whole milk?

Emily had her well visit and the peditrician said I can start giving her whole milk. She's ten and a half months old and weighing in at 21.2 pounds and 30 inches long. I have a few questions. The BTDT moms, did you just stop formula all together and begin milk or did you introduce it slowly? Also, Emily is on soy and the dr. said to try the whole milk and see how she does. I 'd love to know if anyone tried that and if it was a success. I would hate to put Emily through any discomfort if I can avoid it. Should I just go straight to Lactose free or Soy milk and skip the whole milk? Or do you mommys feel I should do as the peditrician said and start with whole milk and work from there. Ahhhh, I don't know! Thank you in advance for all your input.

Posted 6/29/05 10:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

At our 9 month visit the Ped said I could start introducing whole milk if I wanted. I waited til just over 12 months though.

I started slowly adding 1 oz at a time over the course of about a week. The transition was smooth. Aidan gets Organic Whole Milk if its makes any difference.

Regarding the soy, I would probably follow the ped instructions. I have heard that alot of babies with sensitivity to milk outgrow them as they mature so to me, it would be good to know if the reaction is still there or she is now ok with whole milk products.

Message edited 6/29/2005 11:40:24 PM.

Posted 6/29/05 11:27 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

56 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

Before my son's 1st b-day I let him have some glasses of milk here and there and then we went to his well visit and his ped said to definitely start him on whole milk and they stress whole milk because it's has more vitamins in it!! That day I started him on the milk in a sippie cup, no bottle (doc also stressed to try and stop using a bottle) I thought it would be a difficult transfer for him but he took to his sippie cup really well and that was it for his bottles!! I was shocked but it was really that easy! I would say to definitely try the whole milk thing and see how your baby reacts to it...if she still wants her formula and a bottle, she will certainly let you know...but whatever you decide on doing, I say mother always knows best!! Good luck

Posted 6/30/05 12:17 AM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

I haven't reached that point yet but my SIL told me to use organic whole milk, if it agrees with the baby. It's A LOT better for them.

Message edited 6/30/2005 6:55:18 AM.

Posted 6/30/05 6:54 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

I started marissa on whole milk at 9 months whatI had done was 1/2 formula and 1/2 milk now that she is 10 months the doctor said give her a whole milk and no formula she has been doing fine with it

Posted 6/30/05 10:42 AM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

I've had Amber on whole milk for about a month and she's doing great. A little pushback from her at first but now she's an old pro! So much more convenient (and cheaper) than formula, thank god!

Posted 6/30/05 11:46 AM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: Starting on whole milk?

I am appreciating all the input a lot! I am such a nervous nellie when it comes to change with Emily. Once I do it I know it'll be fine. I guess I am nervous about the possible reaction to whole milk. Thanks again.

Posted 6/30/05 6:19 PM

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