Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Still in shock
I am still in shock over what happened yesterday. I am even more shocked that instead of condemning yesterday's events Trump supporters everywhere are actually pretending that this event was full of Trump's "peaceful patriots" and it was all Antifa's fault. Meanwhile, Trump's preferred resource for information, QAnon, had TONS of there people there including one of their well known "leaders" who ran rampant through the Capitol building. I cannot believe that after FOUR YEARS of lies, rhetoric, division, propaganda and chaos Trump supporters continue to keep their heads in the sand about him. These last four years were without a doubt the true dumbing down of America.
And even more laughable, Trump released a statement saying there will be a peaceful transfer of power. So the man who has thrown a tantrum for two months, undermined our democracy, called for his psycho base to descend upon Washington the day of the electoral count is now going to transfer power peacefully? I call absolute BULL$HIT! He got wind of the fact that many (on both sides now) want him removed from office and even though he has less than two weeks left, he's in a panic. Removal will thwart any further plans he has (which I am sure are many) to take this country down on the way out. If impeached and removed, the Senate has the authority to ban him permanently from public office. Little man baby is running scared. So he's lying. AGAIN. His base? They are eating it up as usual.
I never thought in my lifetime I would see an attempt by citizens to overthrow our government. Never did I think that people in this country were so painfully stupid that they would compromise our safety as a nation and try to demolish the tenements of our government all because they cannot accept the FACT that their tyrant cult leader lost the election. It's sick. How sad that almost half of this country has so readily accepted lies over truth, propaganda over fact, the ramblings of a madman over the expertise of many and conspiracy theories over respected journalism and reality.
I am sickened by yesterday's events. I am ashamed to be an American. And I am utterly disgusted by half the population of this country. It's time people wake the f$%k up, Trump has weakened us and caused damage so deep that I am not even sure we can recover, at least not for a long, long time. We have so much work ahead of us. THANK GOD Biden was confirmed and THANK GOD Democrats now control both the Senate and House. Maybe we can finally get our country back on track.
Message edited 1/6/2021 1:14:08 PM.
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Still in shock
Exactly. This isn't a difference of opinion. Whether we should spend 1 billion on this project or 2 billion. This is one party wholeheartedly believing lies with absolutely no proof whatsoever. And the proof of the lack of fraud that they are shown, they don't believe. I have no idea how to fix that, if it can be fixed.
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Still in shock
I am not sure it can be fixed either. The good news is, at least for the next two years Republicans will no longer be enabled. Blue across the board. Republicans should use this time to think about their insanity and the consequences of allowing a lunatic to dictate their party's direction.