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Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

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LIF Toddler

Member since 6/10

399 total posts


Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

Ok. So I *THINK* my husband and I are on out last month of BC pills.

When I was off them (15 years ago??) AF was long, pianful, heavy flow etc.

Can I expect the same thing again? Im DREADING going off the pill. The cramps hurt so much.....

Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 9/13/10 12:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/09

627 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

It really depends. You change as you get older, so you may not have the same experience. In general I think BC helps lighten your AF. When I came off it I had much heavier flow, more bloating, breakouts, and cramps weren't as bad, whereas as a teenager before BC had terrible cramps but the other stuff wasn't quite so bad. So, it just depends.

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Posted 9/13/10 12:33 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

168 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

The cramps are unbearable, I completely forgot what it used to be like. My cycle's been pretty off too, was really heavy the first few months, but now I spot (which I never had even before i went on BC) and AF is rather short and light

Posted 9/13/10 12:56 PM

Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07

8611 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

Everyone is different but I can tell you what Im experiencing. I went off BCP on 8/25 the first day of my last period..I have not gotten my period for this month yet so I cant tell you how my period/cramps were HOWEVER since being off BCP for 3 weeks now I have noticed that I am breaking out A LOT and may be a little moody Chat Icon These were def. symptons I have had before going on to answer your question, yes, since going off BCP some of my symptons have returned but once again, its been a while since you were off BCP so your body may react differently now. HTHChat Icon

Posted 9/13/10 1:00 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/10

399 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

Thanks Ladies.

I know its different for everyone, but at least this gives me an idea as to where to start.

TTC board is THE best!!!!!

Posted 9/13/10 1:28 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

I went off BCP in June. Before BCP, I was the same as what you describe you experienced before you went on the pill. I was on the pill for 15 years.
First month off, I had ridiculously sore boobs, horrible (like nearly debilitating) cramps, extremely heavy flow (think like a tampon every 2 hours), my skin broke out, and I had terrible mood swings right before AF arrived.

Second month, boobs less sore, cramps less severe, flow less ridiculous, skin not AS bad, mood swings not as dramatic.

Third month, boob soreness barely noticeable, cramps barely noticeable, skin is getting better, flow normal i think - i had 2 days of actual flow and 2 days of spotting, mood swings - well, hard to tell bc of a number of other factors which may affect my mood LOL.

Bottom line - it *probably* will suck, but it WILL get better!
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Posted 9/13/10 1:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

3073 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

I went off BCP in December. I had been on them for over 15 years. I used to have horrible cramps and bleeding - it's amazing how it's changed.

From the first month I stopped taking them, I went to a normal 28 day cycle. Cramps are there the first day but that's it. My period's also a lot shorter and lighter than it used to be.

Posted 9/13/10 1:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/07

645 total posts


Re: Stopping BC- Im sure this has been asked-TMI?

I went off BC a couple of months ago. AF is very heavy on CD 1, but then almost nothing after that... just very light spotting where I just need a liner for 2 or 3 days. Cramping is nothing like it used to be. I have noticed though, my skin has broken out like crazy. my neck especially.... with very deep, painful pimples with no heads. I feel like i'm 13 again. It's terrific Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/10 10:39 PM
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