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Suffer through...TMI

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Suffer through...TMI

Okay so my sickness is so much better. I only gag now. I am 13 weeks. Everyone said suffer through the 7-8 weeks and you will be better, and I am. but suffering 7-8 weeks to hold food down was a long time.

Then allergy season. Was told to suffer through until week 14, then medication could be taken.

Now, my new pregnancy symptom.....yeast infection.Chat Icon I knew it was coming, I look it up online, and it says it is common in 2nd trimester...can I please skip a sympton?

so I call dr and tell him what is going on....he says sorry, but nothing can be done till week 16!!! okay so 3 weeks of suffering through!! The RN told me to eat a ton of yogart.

Poor DH, I was all set to get a temp job...I cried because I have no interviewing clothes...then I cry because now I don't even want to get dressed. He told me not to worry and he doesn't expect anything from me except to take it easy....then I said, um...this means no sex for 3 weeksChat Icon Chat Icon His face dropped.

vent over..I will suffer through..just curious, after 16 weeks, does anyone know anything else I will have to suffer through? At this point, bring on child birth..I welcome the challengeChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 3:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

sounds like the story of my life but knock on wood no yeast infections. I am at 16 weeks and I experienced everything written in the book. What got real bad for me was constipation but I will cross my fingers that u skip this stage. Its sometimes as bad as having the morning sickness

Posted 6/14/06 3:49 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

Posted by PrincessP

sounds like the story of my life but knock on wood no yeast infections. I am at 16 weeks and I experienced everything written in the book. What got real bad for me was constipation but I will cross my fingers that u skip this stage. Its sometimes as bad as having the morning sickness

Chat Icon In the beginning I was constipated, now I fiber up constantly, it was the pits and I was so nervous of getting hemroids. You are right, at times it was as bad as the sickness.

Posted 6/14/06 3:52 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

First Chat Icon !

Eat a lot of yogurt, wear Cotton under wear, keep the area as dry as possible.

I had 20 weeks of non stop m/s once I got to 20 weeks, I felt pretty good up until 30 weeks. Now I have bad legs cramping... but it's better than puking.

You will get through this. I had the flu at 9 weeks and thought I was going to die!

You will get through this- just keep telling yourself that!

We are always here if you need us. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 3:57 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Suffer through...TMI

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Posted 6/14/06 3:59 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Suffer through...TMI

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Posted 6/14/06 4:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Suffer through...TMI

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Posted 6/14/06 4:11 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

yogurt is GREAT....what about acidopholus pills (it's the active ingredient in yogurt that fights yeast infections).

other symptoms....hemmerhoids, irritability just does NOT go away some times, I got jittery--like my skin was crawling and couldn't sit still, and near the end, anxiety attacks that were aggravated by caffeine

Posted 6/14/06 7:55 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

Sorry JaniceChat Icon Hope you are feeling better soon! I've heard that yogart will help as well.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 8:59 PM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

15567 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

sorry that it is happening to you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 10:36 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Suffer through...TMI

thanks everyone..i feel like such a crybaby.

I am eating yogurt, I am going to buy more today and eat it all day long. I use to take those pills, but stopped once I found out I was pregnant..I should have asked if I could have continued to take them.

I think we are going to take a drive down to FL for the weekend, so hopefully I find relief at the beach...or maybe it will be too dry...ah who knows?

Posted 6/15/06 6:12 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Suffer through...TMI

You have every right to feel miserable so please don't feel like a crybaby. I'd be way worse having to go through all that. Just try to remind yourself that this is all temporary, and when it's done it will be so worth it!!

Posted 6/15/06 6:25 AM

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