This is a warning for anyone doing a 3 Hr GCT at Sunrise Labs in looks like they're giving out a lower dose of glucose for the 3 hour test than they are supposed to. This is potentially dangerous because it's making some women look like they passed the 3 Hr GCT when in fact they didn't.

When I saw my OB yesterday, I asked her why I was given 75g of glucose to drink instead of 100g like most women. I also told her what the lab in RVC told me- that they changed their policy recently and give 75g unless the doctor explicitly writes 100g (which most docs don't because it's understood that pregnant people get 100g while non-pregnant people get 75g). Plus, the 75g test is meant for 2 hours not 3 hours. Not all the Sunrise Labs have this "policy change." Anyhow, my OB is really upset with this particular lab and is now also investigating why they're doing this. It appears to be something that is just happening in the RVC location of Sunrise Labs and possibly one other location (can't remember the name of it.)

So if you do need the 3 hour GCT at this lab- make sure you're getting the right dose of glucose or confirm with your OB what dose you're supposed to be one should be made to re-take that test!!!

Luckily for me, my numbers were low enough at 75g that the OB is pretty sure I don't have GD. She considered me passing and didn't want to subject me to doing the test again! I'm celebrating with a piece of ice cream cake!
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