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LIF Infant
Member since 11/05 213 total posts
Suzan, Is that you over on the holt BB. I just put two and two together. She is beautiful. And What a handsome young man you have there.
Posted 5/18/06 6:40 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
Jennifer, Yes It's ME!! What is your sign on over there?? How funny!!! Hunter is my 2.5 yr old (going on 20!! ) and the new one is a boy Spencer. We are waiting on travel!!!!!!!! I am actually in a state of shock as it is going so fast! We had our home study 1/30/06!!!! What about you???I am so addicted over there, as you can see
Message edited 5/18/2006 7:04:07 PM.
Posted 5/18/06 7:03 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/05 213 total posts
Suzan, sorry i thought your newest addition was a girl. Well he is beautiful too.
Hunter is adorable too. I am not that active over there. Just like to poke around. Jcoffman is my name.
Well now I will keep more of a careful look out for ya!
When are you traveling?
Posted 5/18/06 7:14 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
We are waiting for the call for when Spencer will travel!!! Are you traveling or using an escort?
Posted 5/18/06 10:15 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/05 213 total posts
At this point we are not sure. We originally were going to travel, but now it looks like its going to be right smak dab in the middle of the summer. Which is very busy time.
I think the baby will come home on the weekend of August 5th. That is the weekend when I am having my mom's 60th b-day party, The NB picnic, and TT's birthday is on the 9th. I haven't decided when to do that yet?
WE are playing it by ear. Maybe we will escort again and then we will travel to korea in a few years when the kids get older. Who knows.
Price is a big factor too. We need to see what the rates are for airfare.
Posted 5/19/06 7:50 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1185 total posts
Name: Sandra
I didn't realize you may not be traveling! And you were so excited about it!
Aug 5th! OHmygosh! that is great!
What about you Susan? Aug 5th timing as well?
Posted 5/19/06 8:32 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/05 213 total posts
I am saying August 5th because that is the busiest time in my summer so its bound to happen then.
Oh and as far as the traveling goes, well we are still up in the air about it. No puns here. Our bedroom looks like a truck drove through it. TT's room has all the boxes that used to be in my closet, stacked in the corner. And one of my dressers in the middle of her room. our closet in our room is almost done, but the other two closets are not done yet. DH wants to put more lights in them.
Our carpet is half ripped up. We are probably going to do new floor underneath. agghh. Now the frustrating part. DH is on another of his worldly adventures, kayaking in the wilderness for a week.
now I know men need to do stuff on thier own but hear me out... DH went away for a week last July camping wit his cousin. THen in November he went mountain climbing in New hapshire for 4 days. Then he went to a Karate thing in Utah for a week in January. Then in February he went for 5 days to a police academy training thing in pennsylvania. Now a week on a kayak touring thing! AGHHHH! Oh yeah and in july coming up he is going to another Karate weekend upstate. (KUNG FOO WEEKEND) Now I want to remind you ladies that I am not just ranting, but I am feeling a little frustrated, because on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesday nights he goes to Karate classes.
So I was in the mood to buy myself something while he was gone this week, but I don't know what to get? ANy ideas.
Well back to my point. The house is a train wreck, and we HAVE A BABY COMING!!!! And we need to get stuff done!
So thats my rant, thanks for listening.
Posted 5/19/06 9:13 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1185 total posts
Name: Sandra
You GOT TO BE KIDDING? If my DH even suggested an outting with our house in the condition you described, he'd be in the dog house!!! If you need any help w/ anything let us know, Scott can use a side job right now--that is what you can buy yourself, a carpetner to get it all done!!!! Do you want help? I'll come over and help you out, or drop off TT w/ me and you can have time to yourself to do the stuff ; ).
Go for a spa day, a new patio set, or a plane ticket somewhere, or a coach bag always helps. my SIL just turned me onto this website: Create your own purse or better yet, a new diaper bag.
Your rant and rave is very understandable!!!
Posted 5/19/06 9:34 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
OH yes, I can understand the "craziness" too!! We are planning on moving into a new house end June-mid July. We have our current house on the market OH MY trying to keep the Legos off the floor from Hunter when a potential buyer comes by!!!!Then waiting for our call for Spencer to come home, Of course it will ALL happen on the same day!!!!!!!!
Posted 5/20/06 5:49 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/05 213 total posts
ABSOLUTELY Every thing will happen on the same day? Where are you moving to?
Posted 5/21/06 2:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/06 754 total posts
Hmmm I'm not sure if this will work, but this is our house for sale. We bought a house in East Islip. We needed more room. It is bittersweet, because I LOVE my house. But, I know we will make great memories in the new house
Message edited 5/21/2006 8:30:11 PM.
Posted 5/21/06 6:03 PM |