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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Switching Jobs?
Just curious since we've been hiring at my co lately...realistically speaking...
What is the bare minimum you would accept to change jobs?
What would persuade you to stay at your company?
What benefits are most important to you?
Posted 10/11/05 11:19 PM |
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Member since 5/05 3664 total posts
Name: Richard
Re: Switching Jobs?
It would take at least 30k or more a year for me to even consider leaving my job. At this point in time, I have no desire to leave.
My biggest gripe about my job is the piss-poor 401k match that they do. It suks. The yearly bonuses are a little weak as well.
If I ever looked for another job... i would want dollar for dollar 401k matching for at least 5%. A nice yearly bonus based on a percentage of your salary would be nice too.
Posted 10/11/05 11:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Switching Jobs?
Posted by nrthshgrl
Just curious since we've been hiring at my co lately...realistically speaking...
What is the bare minimum you would accept to change jobs?
What would persuade you to stay at your company?
What benefits are most important to you?
it depends on the job. Meaning, Mainly if its a field that i want to break into... and starting may be not that much higher than what i'm making now, But theres *realistic* room for growth, and great experience to be learned.
i love the company i work for, and Where i work (i.e supervisors, coworkers, etc)... but i would be Happier there if i had more time off (thats a big one for me ), and if my salary were higher
medical benefits arent really an issue to me, b/c i have DHs (and he has great benefits)... but the tuition reimbursement is great, and child care (on premises) would be an Amazing benefit IMO (though we're not planning on having children for a few years, thats definitely something that would carry a great value in the decision process)
But, what it all comes down to is really the position, and how much i want it.
Posted 10/11/05 11:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Switching Jobs?
oh, and i left out location.
right now, DH and i both have commutes that are less than 10 minutes. When we spoke about the possibility of 1 of us working in the city, we said we'd basically have to start at at least 80-90K to make it worth our while to work there (basically factoring in what we make now, plus the OT we couldve had if not commuting, plus the cost of transportation, plus the 'exhausting factor')... neither one of us are big on commuting, so that tends to play a big role to us, too.
Posted 10/11/05 11:49 PM |
Merry Christmas!

Member since 5/05 2875 total posts
Name: It's not the's the journey!
Re: Switching Jobs?
To change jobs now at this point I would need:
1. Better days off (I want Sundays & Mondays off on a permanent basis now)
2. Better benefits (medical I have but it could be better, I have a profit sharing program, but would need something more then that to switch)
3. I would switch jobs for at least the same money, but would also consider to take a LITTLE bit less if # 1 & #2 could be accomplished. Time is more important to me and I do make on the high end of the pay scale in my business.
Posted 10/11/05 11:51 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Switching Jobs?
I know for me it would take a lot more than money for me to switch. I've been offered jobs uptown for significantly more money but wouldn't take them because where I am I can get home by 6:30pm and have the flexibility to work from home. Oh yes and my boss, while difficult is really cool & gave me my iPod for xmas.
I"m with you on the health benefits (my husband is union so insurance isnt an issue). We had someone turn down a job that was 30% higher than their current salary because the job she has is more in line with the career she ultimately wants.
Posted 10/11/05 11:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Switching Jobs?
Posted by nrthshgrl
I know for me it would take a lot more than money for me to switch. I've been offered jobs uptown for significantly more money but wouldn't take them because where I am I can get home by 6:30pm and have the flexibility to work from home. Oh yes and my boss, while difficult is really cool & gave me my iPod for xmas.
I"m with you on the health benefits (my husband is union so insurance isnt an issue). We had someone turn down a job that was 30% higher than their current salary because the job she has is more in line with the career she ultimately wants.
the Opportunity to work from home would definitely carry alot of weight with me as well
Posted 10/11/05 11:55 PM |
talk to the hand

Member since 5/05 1436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Switching Jobs?
I want to leave my job.. looking to get 10-20k more... would love to work on LI but not sure if any LI companies in the same industry can match NYC salaries....
Posted 10/12/05 7:54 AM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Switching Jobs?
I would look for either 20K more and better benefits or 30 K more and same benefits. I have a great job with amazing hours for a lawyer (9-5) and a good boss.
If my boss offerred me more $, I would stay. They can't increase my benefits without increasing everyone's benefits.
Benefits that are most important is fully paid medical. Dental would be great. More vacation time.
Posted 10/12/05 9:53 AM |