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Table Food Issue

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Table Food Issue

I know I've posted b4 about Mason's eating issues. He's fine with the Stage 2 babyfood as long as he likes the taste

He will literally make himself choke to the point where he won't breathe for a bit if he has a half of a puff or anything too thick. Then throw up

Do you know when I should try table food again? He just turned 9 months Sunday. I don't want to force it, but I'm also afraid he'll be on baby food forever...
Ok, I'm exaggerating. Maybe till college

Posted 3/2/10 1:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/06

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Re: Table Food Issue

He just isn't ready. My oldest went from no table food to excusive table food at 12 months.

Hang in there, try again in 3 weeks.

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Posted 3/2/10 1:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

Thanks! It's scary to feed him anything, but pureed foods. He's gaining weight and loves the jarred food or yogurt. It'll just be a little easier when he can eat regular food. I'll try again in a few weeks


Posted 3/2/10 1:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

He has plenty of time! My DS was very quick to embrace table food... my DD took much longer but at around the 12 month mark suddenly she would eat anything you put in front of her.

Posted 3/2/10 1:38 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

6209 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

Ds is going to be 14 months and I have the same issues.....9 months seems young for table food I would wait another month and try again!

Posted 3/2/10 1:40 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

Posted by MrsDrMatt

He just isn't ready. My oldest went from no table food to excusive table food at 12 months.

Hang in there, try again in 3 weeks.

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ITA with this. My ped didn't even really want us to do table foods until 11-12 months

Also, formula or BM is their main source of nutrients for the full first year, all food is just "practice" so don't get too stressed about itChat Icon

Posted 3/2/10 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

Thanks Everyone! Chat Icon

That helps a lot. I just keep reading all these pple feeding their 8 - 9 month olds regular food.

Posted 3/2/10 1:49 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Table Food Issue

Well DD is 9 months and not on table food yet. She is on our peds schedule - which was to start foods at 6 months (she is EBF) - he does cereal one month, then fruits, then veggies, we are on meats now. I can't remember if it is yogurt etc next month I know I was giving DD#1 scrambled eggs around 10 months- I will have to wait for our next visit. My ped looks at food the 1st year as a social thing so he feels that there is no rush. I asked about puffs and his response was that she was 8.5 months (she would be 9 months the following week) and there was no rush but IF she had pincer grip I could try them with her but it wasn't his recommendation. I have given her a few puffs broken into pieces and she picks them right up but prefers to throw them...LOL.

I wouldn't rush it. He might just not be ready there are plenty of 9 month olds who are NOT eating table foods yet. I wouldn't worry about it yet. Give him a few more weeks then try again.

DD#1 never rushed with table foods either. And she is a healthy eater - she isn't a fan of pizza or chicken nuggets (other than the rare Mcdonalds) she would prefer plain chicken and a bowl of broccoli and carrots instead.Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/10 1:52 PM

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