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Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
talk to me about twins...
Im embarking on my last round of IVF in a few days. Last time the dr. recommended transferring 2 embies. Im 36, going on 37, with a 6 yr old DS. I was terrified and only did one (which resulted in a chemical).
Sooo...being that this is my last round, im pretty sure its balls to the wall and i have to go all in and do two. The odds of two taking at my age are low, or so they tell me.
Can you please share your trials and tribulations of twin pregnancies, births, etc. and if you already had a DC before the do you manage. b/c all i can picture is chaos for the next 10
Posted 12/29/15 4:16 PM |
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My happy babies

Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
talk to me about twins...
i had twins when I had a not quite 2 year old - the beginning was hard but we got them on a schedule and we functioned- it was controlled kaos for a while but I would not change it for the world. We got both eating and sleeping at the same time - it is definetly harder but doable- you learn you can hold two but can't comfort 2 at the same time. you learn to prirotize. I was able to carry my twins to 36 weeks and they did not need the nicu at all.
Posted 12/29/15 4:26 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: talk to me about twins...
I have 3 yr old twins
My pregnancy and birth was great after forever to keep and get pregnant
Nb stage has it's moments lol. It's 2 babies needing everything but you manage,you're crazy but manage lol
When they became mobile it got more difficult bc they went in opposite directions but again you find yor routine and go with it
Will there be times you want to scream. Of course. Every mom does. But beig a mom of multiples is something special and incredible and worth every gray hair lol
Best of luck!!
Posted 12/29/15 8:21 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: talk to me about twins...
My twins were baby #3 and #4 for me. When they were born, Dd was 3 months away from turning 5 and DS was 2 months away grom turning 3. The twins themselves were easy. Thankfully, I had a very routine pregnancy with them, got to over 37 weeks and they came.home with me at discharge. My biggest challenge was and still is balancing their needs with those of my other children, esp. My older son who has special needs. The newborn stage was rough. I had no help as my husband was back at work about a week after they were born and my mom helped where she could, but my father was very ill at the.time. so I was exhausted, but what choice did I have? I stopped working rather than having 3 kids in daycare and one in before/after care, so it's all me all the.time, which is.hard. honestly, the.actual twin thing, I.find easy. It is twice, but they are at the same stage so in that sense it's easy. They are both very easy.going babies. I think they learned very early to wait!!! Lol I actually feel like I am on vacation when I have just the twins witout the.older.two. lol. They are 20 months now and I am sad that they are no longer babies!!! Good luck...
Posted 12/29/15 9:17 PM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: talk to me about twins...
do any of you work? ( twins aren't enough
I would have to work. there is no question. I carry our benefits. and I've BTDT with quitting a job to be home with DS. we were on the brink of financial chaos. had crap insurance through DH's job. was bad.
I had thought of hiring someone to stay at my house when I go back to work, b/c this way DS could take the bus home as the bus stop is down the block. I would at least eliminate the aftercare cost.
I run scenarios in my head all the time and I will make myself
Posted 12/29/15 9:28 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: talk to me about twins...
I have twins I never found twins that tough. (My 3 rd has thrown me over the edge though). Yes the beginning lack of sleep was tough (I was breastfeeding ) but it's only temporary. We actually closed on our house the day they came home from the Nicu so we were also painting, moving and unpacking at the same time. We survived Once they start moving its a little tricky keeping them safe But by then they were sleeping 12 plus hours straight so I could get things done at night . Once they got older (3ish) I really started to see the benefit of twins. They are best friends and play so well together! I did have a rough pregnancy. I was sick for 20 weeks and on and off bed rest the whole time. I made it to 34 weeks. They spent 10 days in tha Nicu Good luck!
Posted 12/30/15 8:30 AM |
Live and RUN like a Ninja!

Member since 5/06 3104 total posts
Name: MrsDrMatt
Re: talk to me about twins...
I had identical twins 13 months after my first was born. The first 2 years was hard.. Now life is so easy because they all play together and hardly need me.
yes I work full time.
Posted 12/30/15 8:33 AM |
We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
Re: talk to me about twins...
My twins will be 8 months in a few days. It's been the most challenging thing I've ever experienced but it's the best thing ever! Everyday is a joy with them (even when its not at all. lol). I cried a lot ( A LOT) in the beginning because it's extremely overwhelming but Dh and i just carried each other through the NB (no sleep) stage. Almost 8 months later, it's still a daily challenge but it's def. better and continues to get better each day. Honestly the hardest part for me is how the pregnancy has impacted my body. My back and my feet are in pain every single day and that makes it hard to care for two babies. Luckily I have my DH and my parents that look after them while DH and I are at work. I had a not so easy pregnancy with a few complications. I had indentical (mono/di) twins which means one placenta, two amniotic sacs. I was high risk and had weekly appts starting at 20 weeks and by 30 weeks I was going three times a week to appts. Luckily my job was VERY understanding and flexible with me. I delivered at 36 via scheduled c section and everything went perfectly smooth! My brother and his wife also have twins and they had a 2yr old DD at the time that the twins were born. It was really difficult for them as well but they had help and a great support system to get them through it.
Posted 12/30/15 1:33 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 265 total posts
Re: talk to me about twins...
i'm currently 6 months pregnant with twins. these will be our first so i don't have any advice about having other children and twins at the same time.
pregnancy hasn't been so easy for me either. for the first 17 weeks, i was very sick, vomiting six times a day, not eating, bleeding, etc. after that subsided, i started feeling more like myself. my only real complaints right now are that i'm always tired, my back hurts, my legs have started to swell and i'm not sleeping so well. i'm also still working full time and i commute to the city every day. it's starting to take a toll on me, but it's still manageable. pregnancy is different for everyone though. i have friends that didn't experience anything i did.
after the twins get here, i plan on going back to work. we already have daycare lined up for them. it didn't make sense for us financially for me to quit my job.
i'm sure it's not going to be easy in the beginning, but i'm so excited to be having twins. i wouldn't have it any other way. just like everything else in life, you just make it work somehow. we have a few friends that also have twins and they say it's the best thing ever.
good luck with your decision
Posted 12/30/15 2:24 PM |
Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11 1197 total posts
Re: talk to me about twins...
Two sets here... My first set were angels and weren't sick until after 11 months. I was younger and naive and found it "hard" but not impossible. My second set have been sick since before day 1 and have been a LOT more work. It has been hard but definitely manageable with help. Routines and schedules are super important!! Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions, etc.
Posted 12/30/15 2:46 PM |
So in love!

Member since 6/06 4378 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: talk to me about twins...
We had an almost 4 year old when we did our IVF cycle. We decided to up our chances and transferred 2 embryos and now we have 15 month old twins! DS 1 is almost 6. It is definitely hard but fun. Each stage is different. The hardest factor was probably my older DS - it was a big adjustment, still is - haha! Anyway, but I wouldn't have made a different decision. I work part-time with a sitter. Oh, and was fortunate to have good pregnancy and went 37.5 weeks. Good luck!
Posted 1/20/16 2:27 PM |