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Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06 6005 total posts
Name: Chrissy
Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
My friend Susan is having a graduation party for having completed her Masters for teaching.
She's having it at a restaurant, w/DJ and such, and I'm bringing DH.
I was originally going to give her $$ b/c hey, who doesn't like $$, but was wondering if there's something you felt you needed when you graduated that you didn't receive.
Posted 1/4/07 8:44 AM |

Member since 1/06 6887 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I'm not a teacher, but what about a nice leather briefcase that she can carry her papers and such in??
Posted 1/4/07 8:50 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I'm not a teacher, but my FSIL likes to get gift certificates to teacher stores since she spends a lot on her room and her kids. She's a speech pathologist so she's frequently trying to find things that may help in a specific situation.
Posted 1/4/07 8:50 AM |
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
What about a g/c to a teaching store or even Office Max/Staples? I spent a ton of my own money getting my classroom ready when I first started teaching... I'm sure it would be appreciated. You could also buy a crate and fill it with supplies for her desk too. HTH!
Posted 1/4/07 8:54 AM |
Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06 6005 total posts
Name: Chrissy
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I really like the idea about getting a GC to a teaching store - are there any online dealers/suppliers that are popular among the teachers?
Posted 1/4/07 9:10 AM |
Our family

Member since 5/05 2272 total posts
Name: Jennie
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
A few people made up little baskets for me with some teaching supplies in it- borders, a calendar, some idea books, etc which was really nice... Throw a gc for a teacher store or Staples in there as well and I'm sure she'll love it!!
ETA: Instead of a basket maybe get a nice monogrammed tote bag from LL Bean or something... that was something I ALWAYS used. A nice big one!
Message edited 1/4/2007 9:19:47 AM.
Posted 1/4/07 9:19 AM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
LL Weans is a popular teacher store that is around. But as a teacher I would also love a staples gift certificate because I am there so often. If you talk to her please tell her once she is employed (if she is not already) to sign up for Staples Teachers Rewards!!!
Posted 1/4/07 9:21 AM |
Be happy

Member since 5/06 1359 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I agree..a monogrammed bag is a great idea. You can fill it with things like stationary, GC to teacher store or Staples etc, or even silly things like candy for her desk, cute pens, etc.
Posted 1/4/07 1:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/06 1314 total posts
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
A bag or how about a name plate for her desk or door.
Posted 1/4/07 8:18 PM |

Member since 8/05 12296 total posts
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
Posted by daisy
I agree..a monogrammed bag is a great idea. You can fill it with things like stationary, GC to teacher store or Staples etc, or even silly things like candy for her desk, cute pens, etc.
I also agree, especially w/ a staples gc
Posted 1/4/07 8:44 PM |
Get Out!

Member since 10/06 4463 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I'm all about a nice bag. Like a taller one that won't fall over when you put it down. I can't even tell you how many times my bag's fallen over and out goes all my pens and (once tampons but I was behind my desk so I was in the clear)That kind of situation sucks in a HS
Posted 1/4/07 8:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
I always love getting gift certificates to Weans. Every time I go..even if its for one or 2 things I end of spending a fortune.
Posted 1/4/07 8:59 PM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
Posted by ChrissynRicky
I really like the idea about getting a GC to a teaching store - are there any online dealers/suppliers that are popular among the teachers?
I was going to suggest this too. There is a place called LL Weans and its great and all teachers spend SO much money there. She will be thrilled
Posted 1/5/07 8:19 AM |
~We Did it~

Member since 7/06 6718 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: Teachers - Need your help; Re: Gifts
if you dont want to give money im sure she could use a gift card to Lakeshore learning, or barnes and nobles. I can never get enough supplies!
Posted 1/5/07 7:03 PM |