My Babies

Member since 5/05 4956 total posts
Name: Jaime
Over the course of the next month I will be getting rid of a TON of teaching stuff. I refuse to throw any of it out most of it is like new. I am in a different teaching field now and don't plan to ever use it again and I can't store it anymore. So, I am offering it to you. It is mostly third, fourth and fifth grade materials. I have review books for the fourth and fifth grade tests, thematic unit books on immigration and a lot more I didn't get to yet. I have two huge boxes with thematic unit cards, things that go with certain books, creative writing ideas etc. I have books on simple machines, fractions and other math stuff. I have games like fraction bingo and I think money bingo. I mean this is just a few things, I haven't made it to my moms yet to go through the crates and shelves of stuff there, but it ALL must go. I will also be getting rid of some reading books, that could go on your shelves for the kiddies. Its all yours, just FM me. Only thing is, as most of it is quite heavy, I can't ship it, so you'll have to meet me somewhere, which should't be a problem as I am in queens, live in suffolk and frequent nassau. I will give an updated list once I get through it all and its up for grabs!!!