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Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

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Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

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Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

I'm really doubting my choice in career. I'm exhausted, I think I work at least 12 hours a day when it comes down to it, and I'm never done. I'm exhausted since I don't sleep at night, and I wake up every morning feeling nauseas about going to school...

I feel like I'm not reaching half of them. Can someone please tell me it gets better? I'm seriously thinking about looking into alternate jobs for next year...

Posted 9/19/05 6:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Ahhh, my dear. You are about as normal as normal can be. This is EXACTLY how I felt the first year I was teaching! I felt like a sham, like people would figure out sooner or later that I really don't know how to teach, and then I would be out of a job! I also could not sleep at night because I was constantly worrying. I also felt like I wasn't a "real" teacher because I was so much younger than everyone else I worked with. The kids hated me, I never knew how to stretch my lessons to be the full 45 minutes, and I couldn't get my act together.
So everythign you are feeling is normal. This is my fourth year teaching, and I can tell you that, while it will never be easy, it does become more routine. You will see the progress over the year with the kids. Sometimes you won't reache EVERY kid. I have come to realize that, as long as you try as hard as you can, there's nothign you can really do about not reaching everyone. Hang in there. You will get a routine, and next year, you'll look back and say, "I can't believe this was so hard last year!" You'll know what to expect next school year, you'll have your lessons planned out before the year even starts, and you'll know which lessons work and which don't. I promise it gets easier! Just hang in there, and hang onto the fact that things do get better!Chat Icon

Message edited 9/19/2005 6:40:01 AM.

Posted 9/19/05 6:39 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

I have to agree what Rachel said. I was like that my first year too. It is COMPLETELY normal. Trust me it gets much better as the years go by.
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Posted 9/19/05 7:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

My first year was terrible...I was exhausted all the time. The first year is draining but when you get through it in'll see it was worth it. It gets easier every year...IMO.Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/05 9:13 AM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

9252 total posts


Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Thanks ladies.

I'm trying really hard to remember that it's not going to be perfect, and I can't expect it to be... But going on only 3-4 hours of sleep/night sometimes makes it difficult to think rationally...

Thanks again. Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/05 7:36 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

It will get better. This is only my second year, but they say every year gets a little easier. Hang in there! Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/05 7:40 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

relax, take a deep breath, delegate some responsibilities (to class moms, secretary-copies etc.) and things will feel a bit better. It's really tough the first year or two and it does get so much better. Once you have been in a grade level for more than a year in a row it's so much easier- you know what to expect and know what works and what doesn't. Learn from your collegues. It is all worth the hard work. When you get home make time for yourself. Give yourself a deadline to sit and relax before going to bed and have some wine! Also, complain to your DH a lot about how soar your poor feel are and how your back hurts to get massages Chat Icon . Unfortunately my DH is a teacher too so he's wise to me now!

Good luck! I'm sure you will love it as the year goes on. You will feel more energetic after a vacation.

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Posted 9/19/05 7:42 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Hang in there! I felt that way too when I first started, but it really does get easier. Even just last year, I started a new job in a new school that was totally different from what I was used to and for the first month or two I wanted to quit and was looking into a career change myself. As time goes on you will see you'll need to spend less time preparing and planning and things will come much easier for you. Good luck and remember you're not alone in feeling the way you do! Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/05 7:53 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Posted by prncssrachel

Ahhh, my dear. You are about as normal as normal can be. This is EXACTLY how I felt the first year I was teaching! I felt like a sham, like people would figure out sooner or later that I really don't know how to teach, and then I would be out of a job! I also could not sleep at night because I was constantly worrying. I also felt like I wasn't a "real" teacher because I was so much younger than everyone else I worked with. The kids hated me, I never knew how to stretch my lessons to be the full 45 minutes, and I couldn't get my act together.
So everythign you are feeling is normal. This is my fourth year teaching, and I can tell you that, while it will never be easy, it does become more routine. You will see the progress over the year with the kids. Sometimes you won't reache EVERY kid. I have come to realize that, as long as you try as hard as you can, there's nothign you can really do about not reaching everyone. Hang in there. You will get a routine, and next year, you'll look back and say, "I can't believe this was so hard last year!" You'll know what to expect next school year, you'll have your lessons planned out before the year even starts, and you'll know which lessons work and which don't. I promise it gets easier! Just hang in there, and hang onto the fact that things do get better!Chat Icon

I agree, please hang in there. On the weekend try to take sometime for yourself. Whatever you do to relax, maybe treat yourself to a massage.Chat Icon It WILL get easier, the first year is the most draining.

Posted 9/19/05 7:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

The first year really is the worst. There's not enough money in the world to convince me to do it over. (Well, maybe!) But it's rough. If you're going to teach the same grade next year, it'll help to keep everything. Next year you'll probably tweak everything but it will save you time and you will feel more relaxed. In the meantime, make sure to make some time for yourself, because you really need to do what you can to avoid burning out. Good luck!

Posted 9/19/05 8:06 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

9252 total posts


Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Thanks everyone.... I may just need a little reminder every so often that it gets better.

As for vacations... They don't believe in vacations down here... Unless you count work days I have Thanksgiving, Christmas, 3 days at Easter, and Memorial Day.

Vacation? What's vacation?

Posted 9/19/05 8:21 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

Oh Deb- it will get better- the learning curve for new teachers is HUGE! I just started a new job, in the same district but with new responsibilies as a the Dean and I am wiped out too. I was happy today was only 10 hours long without even a minute breatk. SO I really understand.

Hook up with a veteran teacher at your school if you haven't already- they will help you will lesson plans, and ideas for helping your students. It will get better- you are too talented to give up!Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/05 8:26 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

It gets better, I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon This is my second year and already I feel like it is different. It does get better and you will learn new tricks, new strategies and new games and things do fall into place. Last year, I was napping every day after school and then staying up until 11 planning. But then suddenly, in January, things fall into place.

I had to go to a workshop a few months ago and we had to write letters to new teachers. Here's mine edited because maybe it will give you the confidence you need.

Congratulations! You are a teacher! Has that sunk in yet? It will be overwhelming but amazing and one day, while you are driving home, it will occur to you that you are indeed a teacher and you will feel excitement, fear and delirium all at once. But you are part of an amazing profession and yes, the journey you are taking is going to be bumpy. I will not lie. It will be a long, winding, twisting, pothole filled road with scary monsters lurking in the woods on the side. But once you get past the fork in the road, the part of your career when you ask yourself “What have I done?” the road will suddenly be smooth, with flowers growing along the side just for you, lemonade stands just for you, sunshine just for you. Basically, I’m telling you it will be hard. Sometimes a lot harder than you could have imagined. But it gets better. I promise. One day, you will feel like instead of taking one step forward, ten steps back, it is the reverse. And one day, you won’t be staying up until 11 pm planning. You won’t have to stay after school until 5:30. It will get better.

So, advice…you want advice? Become the most anal-retentive, organized person you can imagine. Keep a lesson planner and write in pencil. My little trick is this. I got the little post it notes and write my lessons on those so if there is a change in my schedule, I can just move a post it instead of erasing and crossing out. I also keep a daily calendar for my to do lists. Keep them simple. Make copies ahead of time and keep them in a little tickler file for the week ahead. Or if you are giving the copies in to be copied by the aides, make sure you keep the original. Things get lost. Buy contact paper. Laminate everything! Write your name in your books. Ask questions! Go to the dollar store for the little things…clothes pins, notebooks (buy extras for the kids who will never ever afford them), pens, pencils, little trinkets, cups, tissues, napkins, a hanger for your coat, white out, baskets, brooms, etc, etc. Get the staples teacher rewards card. Go to used book stores and buy old children books. Become friendly with the internet. Plan. PLAN PLAN PLAN!!! Get into the habit of planning once a week for a couple of hours. Learn to cross reference. Write down the unit of study on a sheet of paper, go through books, write down the idea you got and from which book you got it, and then plan. Save your lessons and planners. You never know where you will be in 10 years. Make friends with the custodians and aides! Be really nice to them! Be firm and consistent with the kids, but let them know you are there for them. Teach them to be nice. Read to them and talk to them. Keep a candy/snack drawer in your desk. Sometimes, lunch doesn’t come quick enough so get some sucking candies. This is your little stash. Also, keep a nail file, lip balm and hand cream in your desk. Get one of those chalk holders. And there are these really cool staple removers that are the size of a pen…get one!!! Put your name on everything! File immediately notes and flyers. Go out for lunch sometimes. Go to the bathroom when you think of it. You never know!

I could go on but the letter would be very long. The biggest thing I can say is this…be as organized as possible and have a bag of tricks. The kids will not know if things go wrong if you don’t let them see it. So stay cool. Act! Lie! Yes, lie. Well, more like pretend. They don’t know! Have fun! And know that everyone has experienced the feelings you are feeling right now, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Some of your colleagues won’t want to help. But when you find the one who will, let him or her know how much it means to you. Anyway, much luck and remember, just making one kids life a bit better will make it all worth it! So be the teacher who just makes school safe and good and everything else will fall into place!

Posted 9/19/05 9:10 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Teachers... I need some encouraging words...

It does get easier when you get into the swing of things but overall we have a tough job out there. People who are not teachers think we have it easy, weekends, summers off etc. But during the year, I am bombarded!!! It is a lot to deal with, lesson plans, IEPS, meetings, parent phone calls. Some years are better than others. Last year I had a great year, this year is tough already. It depends on the group of kids as well..

Posted 9/19/05 10:10 PM

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