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Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
2 part question
What age do you feel a teenager is "ready" to baby-sit ( a mature teen)?
What age child would you leave with a teen babysitter - if you would at all ??
When I was at Sachem Library today, there was a flyer for teens involved with the Sachem Teen Center that had undergone babysitter training..
I know I would not feel comfortable leaving my infant ( geez, I have a hard enough time leaving her with my MIL )
But maybe a toddler, pre-schooler ?? I don't know....
Yet at the same time, I was babysitting at age 12 which is pretty funny...
Any opinions or experience with teen baby sitting ?
Posted 5/6/09 5:36 PM |
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Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
Well I have a 19yr old sister and I wouldnt leave Sadie w her
Posted 5/6/09 5:40 PM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I'm not a parent. Hope you don't mind me crashing with an 'outsiders' opinion.
I do think that every child is different. I see with my nieces that although a few of the are the same ages, they are ages apart mentally. KWIM?
I have a 16 yo niece who started babysitting a while back. She babysits infants up to 10 years old. I have even reccomended her to someone on here and my new neighbor with an 8mo old and a 2 year old.
Posted 5/6/09 5:45 PM |
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Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
My stepdaughter took the babysitting class at the library last week (she will be 13 in July). I am still on the fence whether or not I would want to leave her alone to babysit my almost 3 year old. Part of me thinks it's ok for a short about of time...but the other part doesn't think she is ready.
I did leave her to babysit while DH was sleeping in the house (which renders him useless because he will sleep through anything) and when I came home, 2 year old is watching tv...12 year old is "babysitting"...talking on the phone, playing on the computer, etc
Posted 5/6/09 5:51 PM |
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Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I was 12 when I had my first babysitting job. Now as a parent, I could never imagine leaving DD with a 12 year old!
I have a hard enough time letting my MIL or my mother watch DD, let alone a teenager.
Posted 5/6/09 5:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I think it depends on the teenager. I have a next door neigbor who is 17 now and has been babysitting for us for two years. Jack is now 4 and Molly is 2. She watched Molly for me two days a weeks during the summer when she was 1 1/2. She is very mature and I am very comfortable with her watching my kids. She will put them both to bed if we have her sit for an evening.
There are some 12-13 year olds in my neigborhood that babysit school aged kids but I wouldn't have those kids watch my children...I feel they are way too young and if there was a true emergency would not no what to do.
Posted 5/6/09 6:28 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
My little sister Jessica was babysitting Bella at about 16. Mostly she was asleep almost the entire time in the beginning when Bella was young. We would go out after she was in bed for the night. She actually joked that she checked her breathing most nights because she felt like she should be doing "something"
I never batted an eye with my sis...she was responsible and great. It was so great having her around and willing to other little sister not so much. ETA: I think Bella was 4-5 months when we started having my sister babysit...
Message edited 5/6/2009 6:52:25 PM.
Posted 5/6/09 6:51 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I leave my kids with a 17 year old. I never thought 17 was old enough, but she is a VERY mature 17 and I totally trust her. Aside from her, I don't know another teen I'd trust with my kids.
I really think it's a case by case basis. Not all teens are created equally!
Posted 5/6/09 7:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 7550 total posts
Name: M
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I think it totally depends on the teenager. I started babysitting when I was 12/13 and babysat all ages.
My niece is almost 12 and I couldn't imagine her babysitting anyone...she can barely take care of herself.
On the other hand my cousin is 16 and very mature, but she is not comfortable around infants....she is wonderful and responsible with kids 2+.
If you are thinking about it then I would interview those you are interested...maybe do some mother's helpers things before leaving a babysitter alone with the kids.
I babysat a set of twins when I was a senior in high school every day after school...before I started I did a lot of getting the know the girls before I was left alone with them.
Posted 5/6/09 8:05 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1280 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
My 13 year old dd babysits. She brings her friend. They have babysat a child who is 3. My daughter is mature. My sister lets her watch my niece and nephew and if the baby, who is 1, would stay with her she would let her watch her too. My daughter has never had a problem.
Message edited 5/6/2009 8:15:04 PM.
Posted 5/6/09 8:14 PM |
It's a beautiful day! :)

Member since 7/08 2296 total posts
Name: Dee
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I have older kids so this is my opinion:
Definitely 14 & up and children aged 3 and over!! Also it depends on how mature the teenager is!
My biggest fear is choking-where even an adult babysitter would feel overwelmed!
Posted 5/6/09 8:21 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Teenager babysitting- what age babysitter ? What age child ??
I have 2 highschool seniors that have been watching my girls since December 08. They were 1.5 and 2.5...
I started babysitting when i was 15-16 years old for a 1 and 3 year old.
Posted 5/6/09 8:44 PM |