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Telling Family

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LIF Zygote

Member since 1/16

37 total posts


Telling Family

We have a large family and want to tell them in a unique way - how did you tell your family about 2nd or 3rd, even 4th pregnancies?

Posted 9/12/17 1:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: Telling Family

We told our families last year about #3 last year on Halloween

We filled goody bags with pink and blue candy and things like baby Ruth, those baby bottle candy things...took our families a while cuz they weren't expecting it

For our second announcement we had our big guy wear a t shirt that said This guys getting promoted to big brother on Xmas day. You have no idea how long it took people to notice

Our families really aren't too swift... lol

Posted 9/12/17 6:21 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/17

23 total posts


Re: Telling Family

We took a picture of our daughter wearing a Big sister shirt, holding a sonogram picture and put it in a picture frame for mother's day...

Neither my mom or my mother in law, realized what it was, they just thought it was a cute picture of their granddaughter, we had to point it out. Oh and the frame said grandKIDS too.

Posted 9/13/17 11:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15

614 total posts


Telling Family

I put DS in a shirt that said "only child" crossed out ..."BIG BROTHER" under that. My mom saw it right away ... my dad played with DS for about an hour without even realizing and my brothers/sister in laws all commented how he looked great in that specific color blue.

My in-laws live out of state so we sent them a video of his running around wearing the shirt and they commented on how funny he is.

Once they realized everyone was excited but it really took a while .. lol

Posted 9/13/17 12:50 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/14

491 total posts


Telling Family

With my 1st-it was around Thanksgiving and we brought a cake for dessert to my aunts house and it said Baby (Last name) Coming Summer 2015.
This pregnancy- My son wore a shirt saying "Promoted to Big Brother"

Posted 9/14/17 8:52 AM

GAW my baby boy <3

Member since 8/10

3874 total posts


Telling Family

For our 1st pregnancy, we we framed and wrapped sono pics and gave them to my IL and parents at Xmas.
For our 2nd, we put DC #1 in Thing #1 onesie during a family party and waited and waited and waited for someone to ask where's Thing #2??
We knew it was a vauge suggestion, but figured someone would ask in jest. Finally, my 5 yr old niece asked.....Chat Icon
We aren't preggo yet, but when we are, I will probably do something that includes DC and our dog.

Message edited 9/14/2017 7:23:59 PM.

Posted 9/14/17 7:20 PM

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