TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
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Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
Our power went out last night and I woke up to a beeping a noise...the surge protector dying.
I make dh get up and go to the front room to get a candle so I can get way I am going back to sleep and missing work. I hear a girly scream and I go running to the front room...
DH: There is someone in the corner!! ME: Ummm Dale Jr?? (it's a life size cut out) DH: *mumbles explicitives* (goes back to bed) ME:
I am not done tormenting him yet, I go to the walk in closet in the bedroom and to the tune of "Lights go Down on Broadway ( Miami 20??)" I start to serenade him in the key of me:
Seen the lights go down on ***** Street....watched the Haggen Dazz lose their product. They got bills to paaaaaaaay, no ice cream todaaaaaaay!! And ******* got scared s**tless by a cutout!!!
TGIF Laaaaaaadies and hope you laughed as hard as I did!
Posted 7/28/06 7:55 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
That is too funny!!! Last week, we had a roach in the kitchen (gross, I know ) and DH sprayed it with Raid. Suddenly, this bug starts FLYING!!! DH looked like a friggin little old lady, ducking and gasping! Gotta love the boys!
Posted 7/28/06 7:58 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 2320 total posts
Re: TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
That is really funny!
Posted 7/28/06 8:20 AM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
Posted 7/28/06 8:22 AM |
hello baby Albert
Member since 9/05 7750 total posts
Name: Aga
Re: TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
bwahahaha priceless
Posted 7/28/06 9:11 AM |
Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05 26170 total posts
Name: MrsERod™®
Re: TGIF & A good laugh to start your day!!
Posted 7/28/06 10:50 AM |
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