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Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
The Dress
Well I am in a wedding in 2 weeks and the dress came in... when i was fitted for the dress they had measured me out to be 5 mts prego like i should be so now im stuck with this huge dress and all the feelings back of how happy i was that day in the store to say i was pregnat to how sad i am when i now put on this dress... its just a reminder and brings back all the sadness... also DH has been in a few weddings and he was always paired up with a pregnant girl so when I was pg he was like see I told you u would be pg for the wedding cuz i had to walk with a pregnant girl and now its impossible to be true
thanks for listening im just having a sad day today
Posted 9/23/08 9:06 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/07 840 total posts
Re: The Dress
There must be something in the air - I'm sad today too.
Posted 9/23/08 9:10 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: The Dress
Me three.
Posted 9/23/08 9:13 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: The Dress
ughhhh.. that is just awful! I'm so sorry.
Posted 9/23/08 9:15 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: The Dress
oh Jackie.. that is terrible
my sister had the same problem.. only it was her wedding dress... she was pregnant... lost her baby at 16Weeks like me... she ordered her gown a couple sizes bigger... when it came in they even gave her a hard time about exchanging sizes... so she told them what happened, and THATS what made them exchange it... so terrible that you actually have to explain yourself and situation... while its none of their business.
my sister left the store crying , not only about how upsetting it was that she was not PG anymore,, but from insensitive people from the store
i hope you are ok.. i know how hard things can be, i am at the point where i just want my due date to come and go.. i hate thinking of "what week i should be in" sooo hard
Posted 9/23/08 9:53 AM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: The Dress
yea i think it is in the air today just a depressing day
Posted 9/23/08 10:02 AM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: The Dress
Posted by MetsGirl07
oh Jackie.. that is terrible
my sister had the same problem.. only it was her wedding dress... she was pregnant... lost her baby at 16Weeks like me... she ordered her gown a couple sizes bigger... when it came in they even gave her a hard time about exchanging sizes... so she told them what happened, and THATS what made them exchange it... so terrible that you actually have to explain yourself and situation... while its none of their business.
my sister left the store crying , not only about how upsetting it was that she was not PG anymore,, but from insensitive people from the store
i hope you are ok.. i know how hard things can be, i am at the point where i just want my due date to come and go.. i hate thinking of "what week i should be in" sooo hard
i didnt even go to the store i ordered if from i didnt want to have to deal with the explaining of it so i had someone pick it up for me and i took it to a place by my job who sells dresses and already knew what happened just because i couldnt deal with explaining it
i should have went to the place we ordred it from tho cuz even if i was 5mts this dress still would have been way too big i dont know what they were thinking when they sized me but i can put 4 people in there with me i think the alterations are gonna cost more than the dress did
Posted 9/23/08 10:05 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: The Dress
Posted by sweetdreamz1181
i didnt even go to the store i ordered if from i didnt want to have to deal with the explaining of it so i had someone pick it up for me and i took it to a place by my job who sells dresses and already knew what happened just because i couldnt deal with explaining it
i should have went to the place we ordred it from tho cuz even if i was 5mts this dress still would have been way too big i dont know what they were thinking when they sized me but i can put 4 people in there with me i think the alterations are gonna cost more than the dress did
yea it is so hard that you are dealing with this... just the reminder, and yea i agree with you, they order it bigger than they should. so now of course you have to deal with more alterations.. i really hope it works out..
Posted 9/23/08 10:10 AM |
Maybe this time?
Member since 7/07 1761 total posts
Re: The Dress
It was an ugly dress anyway.
(I don't really know that since I never saw it but I thought maybe I'd create a smile if even for a second)
I am sure this is just awful. Another reminder of what could have been, and now you don't have. I know.
Today really is a horrible day for a lot of us. I agree that something is in the air. I am feeling it too. Yuck.
Posted 9/23/08 11:56 AM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: The Dress
Posted by when
It was an ugly dress anyway.
(I don't really know that since I never saw it but I thought maybe I'd create a smile if even for a second)
lol its hot pink you decide
Posted 9/23/08 12:34 PM |