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The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I hate it! I don't want to rush this pregnancy by any means but I want to hear this little heartbeat already.

I am only in my 6th week and it feels as if I've been pregnant forever!

Please tell me it goes faster (because of course I don't remember anything from my DS)

Posted 2/26/09 7:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/08

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Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

Not for me it doesn't. I am just over 13 weeks and feel like it took a year to get here.Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/09 8:11 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

i PROMISE you that it does go MUCH faster!!!!!!!!! I almost passed out seeing that i'm almost at the third trimester!!!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/09 8:14 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

Once you get to that 1st appointment..It FLIES!!
I have had to ask DH "How many weeks am I again?"..LOL..Im always a week behind.
I started at the countdown (up on the screen, on the site here) at 2 hundred and something days, Now, in 2 weeks, Im already going to be into double digitsChat Icon
It will FLY
Enjoy it!Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/09 8:15 PM

I love my girls

Member since 11/08

1510 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

It does go quick.... really

Especially after you go see the doc - and then they say - next week go do this test - then come back and see me in a few more weeks, then off to your next test.... I am constantly looking 2 the next baby update....
I also waited to tell most people - I think that sort of made a difference too... by the time I told work I was already 14 weeks....

you'll be in your 2nd trimester before you know it.....
wishing you all the best - enjoyChat Icon

Posted 2/26/09 9:06 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I found that after 10 weeks it started to fly. And then once you hit the second trimester, it starts to REALLY go fast!

Posted 2/26/09 9:18 PM

All of My Dreams Came True

Member since 2/09

1989 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

oh god, it goes by sooo slow!! i'm 22 weeks and it started to go by faster around week 13. it's still ridiculously slow to me though

Posted 2/26/09 10:13 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

im only 8 weeks and i feel like ive been pg forever!Chat Icon i hope it flies by!

Posted 2/26/09 10:17 PM

i love my kids!

Member since 1/09

1963 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I am 8W 2D and I agree, but I can't wait to feel the baby kick and move around!!

Posted 2/26/09 10:54 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

tell me about it Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/09 7:54 AM

Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08

7769 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

i'm 7w6d and i feel like time doesn't even move!!! i want to get to 12 weeks so i can tell everyone the great news!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/09 7:59 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/08

862 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

The first trimester does take forever!!! Chat Icon

Now I'm 19 weeks and I cannot BELIEVE I'm already almost 20 weeks. I suppose once I'm 20 weeks (the milestone I've been waiting for) I'll be impatient for 30 weeks. I don't think it will ever speed up enough for my impatience!

Posted 2/27/09 8:00 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

ooooo it totally does - especially since you're queasy. Every day I'd wake up, refresh my calendar page and say, I'm 8w3days - please let me stop hurling. Chat Icon

OK - who am I kidding - this morning, I woke up, refreshed my calendar page and said, I'm 16w3days. PLEASE LET ME STOP HURLING!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
It DEFINITELY went faster after 12wks

Posted 2/27/09 8:03 AM

Life is Good!!

Member since 1/08

6460 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

once u hit the 2nd trimester time flies!!

Posted 2/27/09 8:05 AM


Member since 3/06

4749 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I noticed once I was 15 weeks and my M/S started going away, it got alot faster... thank goodness because when I was sick all the time it felt like I was pregnant for years

Posted 2/27/09 8:06 AM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

Well being the impatient, want everything now person that I am my pregnancy with DS took FOREVER. I feel your pain, I only just tested on Monday Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/09 8:08 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hear ya Diana!!

Posted 2/27/09 8:09 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I think once you guys are outside come the spring it will go alot faster. Plus once the summers always fly by and before you know it you are going to be in the hospital.

Posted 2/27/09 8:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/07

3631 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

It definitely started going faster within the last couple of weeks; I'm 15 weeks now. I think once I started to feel better, the days dragged less, and time seemed to move faster.

Posted 2/27/09 8:32 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

i was wondering this too!! i'm 7 weeks today and it's crawling!!!!!!

Posted 2/27/09 8:42 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

For some reason my 2nd pregnancy seemed a lot longer also--i have been preggo since July and it seems like it has been going on FOREVER

Posted 2/27/09 8:59 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

358 total posts


Re: The First Trimester goes sooooo slow

I thought it was me Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/09 10:26 PM

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