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The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

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The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

I feel like there have been so many of us posting! Even though it hasn't been that long since I have been through the infant stage I am starting to stress about it! I feel like I forget all the feeding schedules, when to up amounts, # of bottles, etc. I also remembered all the "not so great" things about before, during, and after labor!!! I feel like we should have our own board/thread!!!

Posted 2/4/07 8:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

I know how u feel.
I had my first two under two and now I am doing it again.
My dd was born on ds birthday and now 2 more.
I am looking at it this way..I will be less stressed because I know what to expect.
I found they entertained each other.
I wouldn't change it for the world.
It always works out!

Posted 2/4/07 8:56 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

EXACTELY! I feel like it was so long ago I was pregnant. I keep looking up foods to avoid and different symptoms. I feel like I am going to have a very different pregnancy this time around. I never had any nausea or headaches unless it's all psychosomaticChat Icon

Posted 2/4/07 9:00 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

This pregnancy is sooo much different than DD and it's another girl tooChat Icon I am different too, i was so much more obbessive about my pg with DD, this one i am so much more relaxed and laid back-it's def making my pregnancy go so much quicker.

I am more worried about having a 14 month old running around with a newborn this time around. I think the whole diapers, bottles, sleeping thing will just come back, but the managing the both of them will be the biggest adjustment.

Posted 2/4/07 9:39 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: The moms of the soon to have 2 under 2 club...

I DO think we should have our own board or something.

My HUGE fears are the attention the older one will need when the new baby has needs every 2- 2 1/2 hrs!!
How will she adjust to this new person that is taking mommys' attention?

I'm hoping to put her in a preschool environment a couple of days a week so she gets so education and socialization. She can be independent when she wants to be.

I do remember her waking and eating every 2 2 1/2 hours for a good 2 mths and she didn't sleep a good stretch till she was 2 1/2-3 mths old!

How do I entertain and watch out for a 17 mth old that's constantly on the go when a new baby needs to eat and sleep so much? And how are they going to sleep when one is making noise/crying/etc.???

I think alot of it is money and responsibility too....I feel like I have SO much obligation and responsibilty to others, that I'm lost somewhere. Does that make sense?

Posted 2/4/07 9:52 AM

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