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Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Maybe if I had one - it would motivate me to get my butt moving
Anywho... I am not into spending a ton of money
I know nothing about them
Any recommendations or advice?
Posted 9/10/08 1:04 PM |
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Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I'm thinking of getting one too. I'm looking at craigslist for strollers. Maybe a way to save and get a nice stroller.
Posted 9/10/08 1:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/06 1985 total posts
Name: Irene
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I bought one and I thought the same thing except I'll be honest with you going around the neighborhood in it is a big PITA because it doesn't turn most models can only go straight. Sorry i'm no help lol.
Posted 9/10/08 1:48 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I ended up getting it off of Ebay. It's a BOB Evolution and I love it. Best investment I've made in a long time.
Posted 9/10/08 1:48 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by ilt1221
I bought one and I thought the same thing except I'll be honest with you going around the neighborhood in it is a big PITA because it doesn't turn most models can only go straight. Sorry i'm no help lol.
I have a "jogging" stroller but it's not really meant to be used for jogging.
If you want a "real" jogging stroller it's going to be more $$.
I have a swivel front wheel. You MUST lock the swivel wheel to NON SWIVEL wheel when jogging. The advantage of the swivel is that you can maneuver the stroller better when you are not jogging.
I have the Jeep jogging stroller. I love this stroller. But it clearly says in the manual it's not intended for jogging.
Message edited 9/10/2008 2:33:00 PM.
Posted 9/10/08 1:53 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 997 total posts
Name: Rachel
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I have the Baby Jogger city series..and got it as a gift for mothers day!
I absoultely love it!
The front wheel has the swivel or stright feature, for jogging or not. It was one of the best gifts ive received. Definately pricey, but worth the $$ in my opinion.
I am not a runner but love to walk. Anytime I take DS out for a walk, wether its long or short, I use this stroller...its a very smooth ride. He loves it too!! Roomy and it will last for years.
Posted 9/10/08 1:59 PM |

Member since 12/07 2528 total posts
Name: CC's Mommy
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I got a babytrend very nice jogging stroller, in perfect condition off craigslist for $40
Message edited 9/10/2008 2:05:32 PM.
Posted 9/10/08 2:05 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I have this (or something VERY similar) and I love it although I haven't used it in like 2 years
It was great before I got PG with #2...DD would sleep in it, the front wheel turned...and it was very inexpensive...
Posted 9/10/08 2:30 PM |
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
i have an INSTEP safari stroller with front swivel (a must IMO) for walks around the neighborhood. it's huge and i only use it at home (minus camping and going to the beach), but i think they sell smaller models these days. i also did not want to spend tons of money on one - i got it on sale at d1ck's sporting goods a year or so ago, and it has served us well...
i have no idea what to do for a double, but may elect to go the same route when the time comes.
Posted 9/10/08 2:55 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Thanks Everyone - I will look into these
Posted 9/10/08 4:52 PM |
How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07 8257 total posts
Name: Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by ckdk
I have this (or something VERY similar) and I love it although I haven't used it in like 2 years
It was great before I got PG with #2...DD would sleep in it, the front wheel turned...and it was very inexpensive...
Cheryl... what brand stroller is that?
Posted 9/10/08 4:59 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by KristinasMama
Posted by ckdk
I have this (or something VERY similar) and I love it although I haven't used it in like 2 years
It was great before I got PG with #2...DD would sleep in it, the front wheel turned...and it was very inexpensive...
Cheryl... what brand stroller is that?
Thats funny - cause I just FM'd her the same question
Posted 9/10/08 5:04 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Just remember, not all jogging "looking" strollers are actually meant to be used for jogging. Especially the "cheaper" on.
Mine.. the Jeep Liberty was $177 and it's not a jogging stroller. I does great on gravel, uneven pavement for sure but my manual clearly said it was not intented for jogging.
Posted 9/10/08 5:12 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Look on Craiglsist...I bought a double jogger for $75. It was BARELY used. I will go jogging with you
Posted 9/10/08 7:34 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Baby trend has a great jogger. I think it's called the expedition. Not too much $$$ either.
Posted 9/10/08 8:09 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I have the BOB Revolution. It was pretty expensive. It has a swivel wheel. There are lots of good ones that have the option of a swivel wheel.
If you have a place to store it - it's quite bulky. And don't have to bring it down the stairs every day, then I think you will definately be motivated to jog with it.
Posted 9/10/08 8:13 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by Diane
Look on Craiglsist...I bought a double jogger for $75. It was BARELY used. I will go jogging with you
I was going to suggest Craigslist as well once you decide what kind you want.
Posted 9/10/08 8:32 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by KristinasMama
Posted by ckdk
I have this (or something VERY similar) and I love it although I haven't used it in like 2 years
It was great before I got PG with #2...DD would sleep in it, the front wheel turned...and it was very inexpensive...
Cheryl... what brand stroller is that?
BabyTrend, not expensive!
Posted 9/10/08 8:59 PM |
Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05 4691 total posts
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I want to get one too. I was thinking about asking for it for Christmas. But I am going to check Craigs List too.
Posted 9/10/08 9:24 PM |
How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07 8257 total posts
Name: Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
Posted by ckdk
Posted by KristinasMama
Posted by ckdk
I have this (or something VERY similar) and I love it although I haven't used it in like 2 years
It was great before I got PG with #2...DD would sleep in it, the front wheel turned...and it was very inexpensive...
Cheryl... what brand stroller is that?
BabyTrend, not expensive!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/10/08 10:05 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I got one for 40.00 on craigslist. used once.
its a schwinn...its huge.
barely folds down for storage
Posted 9/10/08 10:08 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Thinking of getting a Jogging Stroller
I got a Jeep Liberty Jogging Stroller off craigslist for $75. I only got it for trips to the beach but i use it all the time! It's fantastic even just for walks around the neighborhood. If you don't care that much about it, look on craigslist. To me there was no point in spending another couple hundred dollars for another stroller.....
Posted 9/11/08 8:36 AM |