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My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
Should I make a list for my mother for when I go back or let her just wing it? If I do make a list, how detailed should it be? This is her first grandchild. How does this work? Thanks!
Posted 1/28/07 9:42 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I didn't have family watching Gianna, but for daycare i did a short, bullet pointed 1 page sheet of "Getting to know gianna"
On there i had her quirks, likes, dislikes, when she ate, how much she ate, if needed diaper creams, she likes warmed formula, what to give her, things like that.
For your mom too, since daycare is more strict about meds, if she gets sick, when to give her meds, which ones, how much etc and supply everything.
Emergency numbers, number for your ped, poisin control.
That's a good start
Posted 1/28/07 10:04 AM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I didnt make a list. I just told them basic stuff I wanted them to know.
Posted 1/28/07 10:06 AM |
Treasure what you have
Member since 5/05 1839 total posts
Name: Marie
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
Posted by Michelle1123
I didnt make a list. I just told them basic stuff I wanted them to know.
I did the same.
Posted 1/28/07 10:11 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 557 total posts
Name: Marci
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
My DD goes to daycare, but if my mom was to watch her I would definetly leave some type of list. Just things that you found your DD likes, what soothes her, nap times, how long between feedings, etc. Stuff that may help your mom or MIL out, especially if they haven't been around babies in a while.
Posted 1/28/07 10:32 AM |
I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06 2100 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I told her his schedule and important things he likes. To keep him in a routine is difficult if one person does things one way and someone else does it a different way so if , for example, you like is napping routine/schedule you want to be sure it is followed when you are not around. My mom was glad because it made her life easier to do whatever he was used to!
Posted 1/28/07 10:54 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
Thanks! My biggest concern is that she always makes comments if I tell her she naps in the swing sometimes and doesn't really like napping in her crib. I know Ava is happy in her swing. My mother's thinking is the swing is not good for her brain (side to side motion) and she catches a draft and should sleep in her crib. I just hope she doesn't try to force her to sleep in her crib and not put her in the swing where she is so content. Also when people say she is so alert and a good size for 2 months she replies by saying we feed her whenever she cries - which is furthest from the truth - she is on a schedule. I always tell her she better not even THINK about not feeding her every 3-4 hours, 5 1/2 ounces and she laughs...but I get nervous sometimes. .
Posted 1/28/07 11:01 AM |
We love summer!

Member since 5/05 1063 total posts
Name: Teresa
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I made a timesheet of some sorts which we used (and still do) to list how much DD was drinking, eating, napping & pooping and at what time. In the beginning, i left a list as to what DD schedule is like and asked her to follow it.
Posted 1/28/07 11:33 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I made a time list for my mom and stocked her up with supplies....
Posted 1/28/07 11:42 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
Thanks! Oh geez I forgot about all the supplies!
Posted 1/28/07 12:01 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I always had a schedule written out for feeding times and how much and what he can or cannot eat. My dad and inlaws use to like other notes - like how to get him to nap and when he naps, activities he enjoys, what to do in certain situations, etc. Also my work and cell #s, Dh's work and cell #s and ped were always on the fridge.
Posted 1/28/07 2:02 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
I would write out the baby'schedule and all emergency numbers, posion control, doctors, etc...
Posted 1/28/07 3:41 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: Those who have mom or MIL watch baby while you work
i just made a list of emergency numbers
Posted 1/28/07 5:05 PM |