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Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Do they take your DC out during the day? What types of things do they do with them outside the home? How does it work-- do they call you before they leave and say "we're going here now, we should be back in an hour"...or something like that? Or do you not know all day and just when you pick DC up do they tell you where they were.
Message edited 2/5/2008 4:26:07 PM.
Posted 2/5/08 4:25 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My mom watches DS. She takes him to the library,gymboree, park, beach, mall, supermarket. Sometimes she will call me and let me know that they are heading out, other times she doesnt. I am fine either way~
Posted 2/5/08 4:35 PM |
Member since 5/05 3415 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Posted by Sweets13
My mom watches DS. She takes him to the library,gymboree, park, beach, mall, supermarket. Sometimes she will call me and let me know that they are heading out, other times she doesnt. I am fine either way~
Pretty much the same here!
Posted 2/5/08 4:38 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/05 1440 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My neighbor watches dd and the two of them are out all day long. SHe is a class mom, they run errands, go to the library etc.....If they are not going to be home when i am due to pick her up they leave a note for me....
Posted 2/5/08 7:58 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Posted by jea128
Posted by Sweets13
My mom watches DS. She takes him to the library,gymboree, park, beach, mall, supermarket. Sometimes she will call me and let me know that they are heading out, other times she doesnt. I am fine either way~
Pretty much the same here!
Same here...
Posted 2/5/08 8:01 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My parents watch DD so DH and I can get stuff done around the house, or have some relaxing time, or go out to dinner by ourselves or with friends. They try to take her for 1-2 hours a week (this is something that is more recent) they would take her longer if we would let them. But DH hates to be away from her on weekends b/c he doesn't get to see her much during the week so we make weekends family time.
They have toys at their home (they live only 1-2 miles away from us), they now have a stroller so they take her for long walks. They do not drive her around - but that is b.c they have a small volvo and the infant car seat doesn't fit safely in it. They also read to hear, and play music. I'm sure if the seat fit in their car they would take her out to restaurants, and shopping.
I feel comfortable with the two of them taking her places I won't let her go with my MIL or someone else like a babysitter.
Posted 2/6/08 10:24 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My mom and SIL watch DS. My mom hasn't taken him out yet since its been crappy or cold out, but my SIL took him out for walks a few times and she usually calls me and lets me know that she is going here or there.
Posted 2/6/08 10:30 AM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
When my friend used to watch Michael they were out all day. Since my MIL started watching him (started last May) she does not take him out until DH gets up to bring her home.
Posted 2/6/08 10:35 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Posted by nbc188
Do they take your DC out during the day? What types of things do they do with them outside the home? How does it work-- do they call you before they leave and say "we're going here now, we should be back in an hour"...or something like that? Or do you not know all day and just when you pick DC up do they tell you where they were.
Posted 2/6/08 10:38 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Yes. My Mom takes him to the stores and so does my MIL. He loves going shopping and people watching. When he turns 2 the library where my parents live have great programs for him so she is going to bring him there.
My SIL brings him everywhere because she has 2 of her own children.
ETA: No they do not call me to tell me. They just go do what they have to do. I am perfectly fine with that.
Message edited 2/6/2008 11:16:35 AM.
Posted 2/6/08 11:13 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
my il's usually tell me in the am if they are planning to go is usually just to the store
Posted 2/6/08 11:15 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Thanks Diana! Still working on it
Message edited 2/6/2008 11:19:24 AM.
Posted 2/6/08 11:19 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Do you have a problem with them taking DC out during the day?
Posted 2/6/08 11:21 AM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My mom watches the babies and she takes them out all of the time. I think she would go crazy if she didn't! On the other hands, my MIL never takes them out! This drives me crazy!!!!! I like the babies to be out!!!
Posted 2/6/08 11:22 AM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Posted by nbc188
Thanks Diana! Still working on it
more here! It'll work out with your MIL. You have to have some flexibility with regard to her taking DD some places, but def come to compromise that you feel comfortable with. Sit down and talk with her
Posted 2/6/08 12:05 PM |
Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My mom and dad watch DD. Mom has a carseat for her and takes her to Target, food shopping and some other local errands. She also has a stroller which she uses if she goes to the mall with her. My dad doesn't have a carseat for her. Sometimes he takes the stroller and they walk (or he brings her out into the backyard in the stroller while he has to do things). I think as she gets older he may get a carseat for his car as well.
Since I am still nursing a few times a day, I like to know when they will be back if they go out while I am at work. Other than that, I am okay with whatever they do.
Posted 2/6/08 12:52 PM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
Posted by Sweets13
My mom watches DS. She takes him to the library,gymboree, park, beach, mall, supermarket. Sometimes she will call me and let me know that they are heading out, other times she doesnt. I am fine either way~
Same here minus gymboree. But she doesn't call me to tell me, and I'm okay with that.
Posted 2/6/08 1:25 PM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My mom is the only one who has permission to drive with them and she takes them out sometimes to the store or appointments ect.She usually lets me know in the morning, but sometimes tells me when I pick them up and I am ok with that. ILs and the sitter are only allowed to go out for walks with them.
Posted 2/6/08 1:35 PM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
My Mom doesnt drive so she doesnt take DS out. If its warm she will take him for a walk in the stroller.
MY MIL takes him out all of the time. I have her take him to story time every week at borders. She also takes him to the mall. I am thinking about putting him in a Gymboree class where she can take him to.
Posted 2/6/08 2:02 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Those who have parents, friends watch DC
when my mom watches DD she just does whatever she wants- she has a carseat for her car- and oftentimes they do something together- go out to lunch, go to park, etc- she doesn't have to ask my permission
Posted 2/6/08 2:22 PM |