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Those who use body pillow/snoogle

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Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

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Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I tried to use my body pillow last night, but DH complained that it takes up too much room in the bed. Does anyone else have this problem? And, how do you flip over? I find it to be really annoying to readjust everything when I need to flip over.

Posted 3/22/08 9:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Little Brother

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I told DH he needed to get used to it- if it is between him and the snoogle in bed, i choose the snoogle....but it really hasnt been that bad...

I have mine on the edge of the bed, and just keep it there- i flip between my two sides through out the night a few times, but leave the snoogle in its place- so sometimes it is behind me, and sometimes in front of me...

Posted 3/22/08 9:10 AM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

My DH complains too that their just isnt enough room in the bed now with the body pillow. I tell him to deal with it Chat Icon

I think I flip in my sleep because I fall asleep laying on my right side with my body pillow and when I wake up I am laying on my left side and my body pillow is with me.

But I do find it annoying just trying to get comfortable

Posted 3/22/08 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I am 35 weeks and I use it. I loved it through the second trimester. Now, it hurts a lot to roll over, so I usually throw it out of the bed around 3:00. However, my dog loves laying his head on the bottom of it.

Posted 3/22/08 9:15 AM

Where Does The Time Go?

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

He's going to have to get used to it! I ended up adding extra pillows near my head in addition to the snoogle to help with acid reflux. DH used to complain a lot and now I find him hugging the snoogle whenever I get out of bed! Just remind him that it's only for a couple more months and worth it!

Posted 3/22/08 9:21 AM

My miracles!

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

DH and I are not small people. He has learned to deal with the Snoogle. When he complains about it, I simply say "If you don't like it, buy me a king size Sleep Number bed." That usually keeps him quiet.Chat Icon

(Pssst - I get up first, I usually find his arm around it by the time I am ready to leave for work.)

Posted 3/22/08 9:38 AM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

My DH complains too that their just isnt enough room in the bed now with the body pillow. I tell him to deal with it Chat Icon

you got that right! Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/08 9:38 AM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I had the snoogle used it ONCE HATE IT!!! Then I got a body pillow I like it! But the best for me is ..I think its called a wedge it goes under your belly then there is a back support..the best 50 bucks i ever spent!!
Ths snoogle is not for me its going into the garbage!!

Posted 3/22/08 9:43 AM

Mom of 2 Princesses

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I had a love/hate relationship with mine throughout my pg - I'd "break up" with it at least once a week and then eventually take it back into bed with me.

Now I'm 40 w 3d and I only sleep for 1.5 hours at time - Have to get up to pee any way, so when I do, I just rearrange it when getting back into bed. Believe me, those last few weeks of your pg, you will love it. Ontop of that I sleep with an additional 6 pillows to help me get into a comfortable position.

Most nights DH sleeps in the guest room, just so he can get some sleep and not be woken up by my constantly getting up to pee.

Posted 3/22/08 9:48 AM

i run for bacon

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

Posted by cjb88

I have mine on the edge of the bed, and just keep it there- i flip between my two sides through out the night a few times, but leave the snoogle in its place- so sometimes it is behind me, and sometimes in front of me...

We have a King sized bed so it's not a big problem for u s.

Posted 3/22/08 10:07 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

My DH used to complain that i have too many pillows.. i have a body pillow and a king pillow that i switch up and use between my legs. Yes, its hard to flip over sometimes cause the sheets get caught and i have to sort of readjust it all.. I've been using it for quite a few weeks now and I cant go to sleep without the pillow.. Ive found a way to flip from side to side much quicker now than when i first started using it. Your DH will get over it..besides, you are the one who is carrying HIS baby.. so he doesnt have much say! hehe goodluck!! Stay cozy!Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/08 10:14 AM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

We have a king sized bed and its not much of a problem. Each time I go to bed at night I put it to my comfort position and then during the night I move side to side. Sometimes the open part is in back of me. I don't move it around all night.

Posted 3/22/08 10:23 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

The snoogle and I battle every night when I wake up to have my midnight pee ( and 3 AM pee, etc)

But I still love it...

Our bed is crowded but DH deals with it.

Posted 3/22/08 10:41 AM

lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

The size of the snoogle is part of the reason I didn't buy that one. The other reason is b/c I'm petite and felt it would be too much for me. I got the Boppy Cuddle and it is just right ( I feel like Goldilocks trying out the bears' furniture).

Posted 3/22/08 10:49 AM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I don't think I could survive without my snoogle. DH complained once or twice...but he has learned to live with it. Tell him it's either that or you wake him up everytime you can't get comfortable!! I do find myself switching sides, but like others said the snoogle is either in front or behind me.

Posted 3/22/08 11:20 AM

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

well, I have neither....BUT, I do sleep with 5 down pillows... 1 under my head, and the other 4 lined up like a giant down body pillow. we're in a queen bed, too.

the trick to not crossing the midline of the mattress is to not have your body in the center of your side of the bed.... it should be off to one side, with the pillow(s) on the other. When I flip over, by this point, I reflexivly take all of my pillows with me (I slept like this before pregnancy).

DH seldom complains that I'm invading his space....

the advantage of the down pillows is that you can wedge them where ever you like.... I recently began wedging #3 under my belly for a tad of extra support... like a wedge pillow. works wonders Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/08 12:38 PM

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

My DH knew better than to complain about anything that was making his uncomfortable wife comfortable. Chat Icon

As for flipping over . . . there will come a point in time where you will not be able to flip over and you will be grateful that you have something, anything to grab onto. In the meantime since you're getting up to pee anyway, that is the time to flip over and readjust.

Posted 3/23/08 9:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

We have a king so the snoogle wasn't getting in the way.
Dh loved the snoogle, I had to keep fighting him over it!Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/08 10:32 AM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

DH has gotten used to it. Its a pain in the butt to flip over. I try to stay on my left side but when I went to flip over to the right I have to readjust everything. You will get used to it

Posted 3/23/08 11:39 AM

Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

Posted by DancinBarefoot

My DH knew better than to complain about anything that was making his uncomfortable wife comfortable. Chat Icon

As for flipping over . . . there will come a point in time where you will not be able to flip over and you will be grateful that you have something, anything to grab onto. In the meantime since you're getting up to pee anyway, that is the time to flip over and readjust.

Funny thing is that I am not yet getting up to pee during the night. I go to sleep around 11 and get up around 6:30 and I don't have to get up during the night. I am waiting for this to change.

Posted 3/23/08 4:59 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

My DH would end up cuddling with the snoogle - I would have to fight him off in the middle of the night. He'll get used to it!

Posted 3/23/08 7:22 PM

Love my girls!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Those who use body pillow/snoogle

I use a Bumpil and DH and I got used to it for the most part. My only annoyance with it is that my cats like to sleep on top of it. My siamese always liked to sleep near my belly anyway so now she lays on top of it, but sometimes she starts to fall toward my belly and it's uncomfortable. Lately we've gotten her to lay on the side of it - but that really drives DH crazy b/c there's no room for him between me, bumpil and kitties. Just a few more weeks and Bumpil becomes a baby item. I have to say that some nights I have to start off on my right side minus the Bumpil to get to sleep (the down side to that is that my left hip hurts a little when I awake)... when I wake up for the inevitable bathroom break - I go back to bed on my left side with Bumpil.

Posted 3/23/08 8:18 PM

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