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Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

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Member since 5/05

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Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

Did any of you end up going into labor before your OR date?

Here's the deal, my LMP due date is 3/23. I had a Level II done a few weeks ago and the sono tech said based on the readings/measurements, I'm due 3/17. My c-section was scheduled for 3/20.

Just wondering if anything similar happened to any of you girls and how it played out.

Posted 2/4/08 4:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

This happened to my friend. She went into labor almost a week before her scheduled section. When she got to the hospital they put her in a labor room on the monitors until an OR became free.

Posted 2/4/08 4:06 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I did not, but my friend did. She arrived at the hospital in the middle of the night in labor, was admitted and since she had eaten dinner that night had to wait several hours before she could get the spinal. Technically, she could have tried VBAC, but since had already resolved to the section, went ahead and had the surgery and all worked out fine.

If you are concerned, can you get an earlier date?

Message edited 2/4/2008 4:08:52 PM.

Posted 2/4/08 4:08 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

Yes, I was originally scheduled for 10/12 but they agreed to move it up based on measurements and the fact that my back surgeon advised it due to a spinal fusion. It was moved to 10/3 but I gave birth on 9/26. I didn't get the anesthesiologist or OB that I wanted but in the end, I had my Chat Icon safe and sound.

Posted 2/4/08 4:09 PM

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I never went into labor at all. My expected due date was either 5/16 or 5/19 depending on the doctor's calculation and the sono techs. I had a c-section scheduled for 5/17 and the only thing I had happen was the baby "dropped" Otherwise, I was checked by weekly sonogram (I had GD) so they knew nothing was happening. No problems - I'm guessing I would have delivered late if I didn't have the section. I know, though, I was prepared for any sign of labor & I would have been taken immediately for a c-section because I couldn't deliver vaginally.

Posted 2/4/08 4:18 PM

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

yes. it happened to me. I was scheduled to have DS on 8/3. His EDD was 8/4, however, on 8/1 my water broke. It was a slow leak. I was on bed rest b/c I had pre-eclampia. I had a granola bar at 4:45 pm and then realized my water broke. I got to the hospital at 6 pm. (Took a shower before going to the hospital b/c I was told that it would be a day before I would be able to do so again). The dr delivered DS at 10:23 pm. I was going to have the c/s at 8 pm but another woman had to have an emergency c/s so they pushed me back one slot. They had to deliver D/S at the 10 pm slot b/c I was starting to have serious contractions at that point and they did not want to deliver him normally b/c he was breech.

Posted 2/4/08 4:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I was a scheduled c/s with my first because he was breech. He came nearly 3 weeks early. My water broke in a gush, I went to hospital, and had my c/s less than 3 hours later.

My second was also a scheduled c/s, just in case the conditions for vbac didn't work out. I scheduled it for 41 weeks, to give my self maximum time. She came 10 days early, so I didn't need a repeat c/s after all.

I would leave your date as is. If you go into labor, so be it. It'll be a nice surprise.

Posted 2/4/08 6:24 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I was scheduled with both my c/s and I went early with both. The scheduled date was very close to the EDD as well. I know with some women, their OB will schedule a week earlier than the EDD.

Posted 2/4/08 6:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

If your medical condition/reason for having a C-section is such that even starting labor would be unsafe, your doctor will schedule it early enough that there is little risk of that. I had my scheduled C-section at 36 weeks. I had to have an amnio to check the viability of the baby's lungs. Just thought I'd let you know that doctors take a lot into consideration when timing a scheduled C-section. Definitely talk it over with the doctor. I wish you an easy delivery.

Posted 2/4/08 9:00 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

My c/s was scheduled for my due date. Two days before I thouht my water broke and we went to the hospital. False alarm.

The day of my c/s I spent about 2 1/2 hrs getting prepped and waiting to go in. About 30-40 min before going in, I had a few contractions.

Posted 2/4/08 9:02 PM

Train Ride

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I had a scheduled c-section because DS was breech, my date changes three times. First I had two weeks to prepare, then a long weekend, then a phone call at work "your having your baby tomorrow!!!"

Posted 2/4/08 9:17 PM

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I had a scheduled c-section 1 week before my DD.

I asked my dr. "what if" I go in labor early. She told me that since I had a scheduled c-section, I would just have the c-section early and she would be called to the hospital. They would prep me "quickly" to have the emergency c-section.

Posted 2/4/08 9:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

I did.

My due date was May 9th.
Scheduled c-section was April 27th.
Went into labor April 21st.

Posted 2/4/08 9:30 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: Those who were Scheduled C-Sections...

Message edited 5/22/2010 10:20:33 AM.

Posted 2/4/08 9:50 PM

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