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tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

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God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

ok this is going to sound ridiculous and maybe laughable when I tell you why I am asking but I thought you girls may know the answer

the other night I was watching an episode of sex and the city and charlotte was telling the girls that since she had a tilted uterus, it would be harder for her to get pregnant because the sperm had to swim over an incline or something like that

I know so many girls have a tilted uterus...did anyone ever hear of this theory?

Posted 8/5/05 10:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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i run for bacon

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

I have a tilted uterus and I heard doggystyle is bestChat Icon

Posted 8/5/05 10:26 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

I actually asked a technician during a u/s if I had a tilted uterus. She responded by telling me that every woman's uterus is tilted, some more than others and each in different directions. She said mine was retroverted which meant tilted to the right/left which I forgot which. But it's true, severe tilts can interfere with conception and even tracking of the fetus on a u/s. Some people are misdiagnosed for miscarriage because there uterus is so tilted it's hard to see the baby early on.

Basically, anyway you look at it, ttc is nothing but tilts. ONE BIG ROLLERCOASTER RIDE

Posted 8/5/05 10:29 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

that's funny sux if it's true!

Message edited 8/5/2005 10:32:18 PM.

Posted 8/5/05 10:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

This is probably why they advocate staying still with your legs up against the wall for at least 15 minutes after BDing.

I swear I used to watch tv like that as a little girl and I could sit like that for hours (little did I know back now, I feel like an IDIOT... butt naked, legs against the wall trying to reach for my book while DH is "trying" not to fall asleepChat Icon Oh, now I know why mom's always say, "Do you know what I went through to have you"Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/05 12:12 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

I have this problem. Dr. told us that unless DH's is shaped like a candy cane we're not gong to have much luck getting the sperm to swim where they should - which could be the reason I have had so many chemicals.

It *****.

Posted 8/6/05 9:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

I think it depends... I have a tilted uterus as well and I conceived within two months of trying. I've heard doggy style works best... it worked for us Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/05 11:48 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

Kathy, a chemical pregnancy is when the egg is fertilized, but has trouble implanting.

That means the sperm made it to where it had to go, if your uterus is somehow too tilted, that would be the cause of possible implantation problems, they have procedures that can fix that. However, how does' dh's having to have a candy cane shape have to do with your chemicals ? I am confused.

Message edited 8/6/2005 12:14:23 PM.

Posted 8/6/05 12:03 PM

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

Posted by Bxgell2

I think it depends... I have a tilted uterus as well and I conceived within two months of trying. I've heard doggy style works best... it worked for us Chat Icon

I have a tilted uterus as well- this info is encouraging- thanks

Posted 8/6/05 3:31 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

Posted by skygirl

Posted by Bxgell2

I think it depends... I have a tilted uterus as well and I conceived within two months of trying. I've heard doggy style works best... it worked for us Chat Icon

I have a tilted uterus as well- this info is encouraging- thanks

No problem! HTH! Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/05 4:05 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

I have a tilted uterus, and just got my BFP (and I'm fairly certain that we conceived in a different fashion than doggie style Chat Icon Chat IconChat Icon)

Message edited 8/6/2005 9:12:10 PM.

Posted 8/6/05 9:11 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: tilted/retroverted uterus and ttc

Posted by FeliciaDP

I have a tilted uterus, and just got my BFP (and I'm fairly certain that we conceived in a different fashion than doggie style Chat Icon Chat IconChat Icon)

I was just going to add something like this! You beat me to it! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I never knew I had a tilted uterus until my 6th week sono.... a different OBGYN than I usually see asked me if his partner (my usual Dr.- but not the one I use now since he doesn't deliver babies anymore) ever told me my uterus was tilted! I just said that no one ever told me that before. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well, I got preggo w/o knowing this and it took me only 4 months! (of real trying)

I'm guessing it would be no problem! If the spermies are eager enough to do thier job, the will find a way up that incline! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good Luck!

Posted 8/7/05 7:16 AM

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