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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Time is FLYING!
I was telling DH this morning "can you believe it, in a little over a week we'll be starting our third trimester!". And he said, "No, you're almost 27 weeks. You're already in it!!!" And he's right (I know people count differently, but we consider 26+weeks third trimester). I was just adding wrong, I was thinking 28 weeks, so I was floored!!!
It is flying by, so fast!!!!!!!!!
Posted 3/22/07 11:43 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Time is FLYING!
I know what you mean.
Last night I took out "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" (we read the chapapter for the week we are starting every Wednesday night) and I read week 29 again. We were both like, wait, what??? We are starting week 30 already???
Posted 3/22/07 11:45 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Time is FLYING!
Yeah. I counted it a little later b/c I don't need anything feeling longer than it already does
But I completely agree with you, DH and I were making a list of what we need to buy if we don't get it at the shower and I realized that I have less than a month left of work. My attorneys keep coming back from court with dates when I will be out
Plus, our friend had her baby at 34 weeks (two weeks ago) and that made it really real b/c she was only two weeks ahead of me--and I am 34 weeks today!
Posted 3/22/07 11:46 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Time is FLYING!
I've been feeling the same way lately. I'm like "OMG! I only have 2 months to go!" This pregnancy went by WAY too fast. I really wanted to enjoy it more and now my time's almost up!
Posted 3/22/07 3:02 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/07 311 total posts
Re: Time is FLYING!
I am almost 16 weeks and I cannot believe how fast its going too.
I think that for me, this is going faster because its my 3rd. I do not have much time to really think about being PG, and the weeks just tick by...
Posted 3/22/07 3:18 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 686 total posts
Name: Fran
Re: Time is FLYING!
Time is flying!! I went for a sono yesterday and took my mom with me (my BF couldn't go) She is 73 and had never seen an actual sono being done. She was amazed and then said "Well this has gone really fast for me! Soon he will be here!" I laughed and said yeah it went fast FOR YOU!! But the truth is, it went super fast for me too. I cant believe its almost over, 6 1/2 more weeks and Im done too! YIKES !!!
Posted 3/22/07 3:34 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Time is FLYING!
Add me to the list at 25 1/2 weeks, the time has flown. I truly LOVE being pregnant (so far, haven't hit the 3rd trimester pains yet) but I don't know where the time has gone.
Posted 3/22/07 4:21 PM |