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Tips for having a girl

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

997 total posts


Tips for having a girl

I am not TTC yet but will be in the next couple months. I have 2 boys - a 3 year old and 15 months. They are amazing and I am happy that they will have eachother and be close in age.

But....of course I would love to have a little girl also. I have read a little bit about trying to sway which gender you will have but I am unsure if it works or just in the end you have a 50/50 chance.

Did anyone try to sway to a specific gender and it actually work? If so, what did you do?

Posted 8/17/16 4:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/12

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Re: Tips for having a girl

I think it's 50/50. The only thing that I heard that might have some science to back it up is dtd a few days before ovulation. The "science" behind it is that girl sperm are slower but they live longer while boy sperm are faster but they don't last as long.

I've also heard that if you have 2 of the same sex already your chances are slightly higher to have that same sex again. The theory behind that is that a person might have one gender sperm that is a little stronger. That said, a friend of mine just had a boy after having two girls! So good luck!!

Posted 8/17/16 10:22 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

I am similar... I have 2 boys & it would be nice to have a girl but I'm not getting my hopes up lol.
I think it's pretty much 50/50 BUT I think some couples have a tendency more toward one gender or the other.
Like I was reading that the acidity of the woman's body affects which type of sperm her body is more hospitable toward... I read you can change that through diet... my mother said she did this to have me (after having 2 boys) but I'm not so sure because I pretty much eat the "girl diet" already & I have 2 boys anyway lol.
Also I read that some men produce better X sperm or better Y sperm, so that can be a factor as well.
I also heard timing can sway it one way or the other, but I think to conceive our first 2, we dtd several days before ovulation (which is supposed to increase the chances for a girl) not on purpose just that it turned out that way... and I had boys anyway.
So I think for the most part it's 50/50 and whichever ends up being the lucky sperm!

Posted 8/17/16 11:11 PM


Member since 12/12

4088 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

Both times DH and I did everything in the books to have a Chat Icon . I am currently pregnant with my second Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/16 11:19 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

I don't believe it. For both of my children, I had an IUI exactly 40 hours after trigger. My first is a Chat Icon and my second is a Chat Icon. So I strongly believe timing doesn't matter.

Posted 8/18/16 8:49 AM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

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Re: Tips for having a girl

I am currently pregnant with a girl after two boys. I really wanted a girl too, and had tried mildly swaying for a girl in the past-- some diet changes, timing etc. it never worked for me. there are websites dedicated to this if you google.

The month we conceived this baby, we did nothing to sway. We dtd the day before and of ovulation (which supposedly sways boy). The only thing that may have been a factor is DH was getting over a mild fever, and heat supposedly sways girl.

But I truly believe it's just random luck every time. I hope you get your girl!

Posted 8/18/16 11:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

We did it for fun the 2nd time around though it did work out in our favor lol. We did the following
Started trying as soon as my period ended and stopped trying 2 days before ovulation
Shallow penetration and no orgasm (for me obviously)Chat Icon
That was about the only things we tried but we did get a girl
Either way its always fun rightChat Icon

Posted 8/20/16 9:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

997 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

Thanks ladies! I feel like it is what you get is what you get kind of thing lol but I am going to try some of the easier things I have read about - basically trying before ovulation, no orgasm, and shallow penetration. I probably won't change my whole diet. It will be exciting to see if it works though lol because with both my boys we tried very close or on day of ovulation, I had an orgasm, and I kept my legs in the air for 15 minutes to help the swimmers lol

Message edited 8/22/2016 9:15:45 PM.

Posted 8/22/16 9:15 PM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

1487 total posts


Tips for having a girl

Everyone I know who tried the wives tails for a girl ended up with a boy.

Posted 8/23/16 10:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

3170 total posts


Tips for having a girl

When we tried for our second we DTD about a week after my period finished and then took a break a few days before my O date. I ended up being pregnant with a girl.
I'm sure it's a 50/50 chance but if there's some theory about it possibly benign true, then why not try?? Good luck!!

Posted 8/25/16 8:59 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

719 total posts


Tips for having a girl

Its funny we are in the same boat. We have 4 1/2 year old and 2 year old boys. Both of them we only DTD on CD11, I think with my first I got my smiley on CD12 when I tested a few months in a row. So *IF* we try again its sooo tempting to DTD on CD11 again knowing its a good day for me, but also very tempting to DTD on CD10 and stop and maybe hope for a girl lol, just for fun. I know if I miss the month bc I was too early Im afraid Ill wish I would have just DTD when I knew it worked fun us! Thoughts?!? Good luck to all :)

Posted 10/5/16 12:08 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Tips for having a girl

I replied to this a few months ago & am updating... Third boy on the way!!! I dtd every third day throughout the cycle with no method of swaying either way. I think we're just a boy family! Dh has all brothers and I have all brothers... I must have been a fluke for my mom lol. Id be super shocked if I ever have a girl but I think it would be fun to have a few more boys eventually!

Posted 10/6/16 2:04 PM

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