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LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/05 798 total posts
Name: Joanne
Toddler Activities
For those with toddlers, I was wondering what you do to keep them entertained? My son is two and doesn't really like to play by himself for too long. Plus he no longer wants to take a nap during the day so I rarely get a break. I work from home most of the time also which gets a little difficult at times. I send him to daycare two days a week for social acitivities, but was wondering what everyone does to keep their little ones happy? Do you have any special activities you do?
Message edited 5/3/2006 10:31:00 PM.
Posted 5/3/06 10:30 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Toddler Activities
#1 - if its warm, we go outside! Even if its just in the yard and we blow bubbles or he kicks a ball around, it gets him some exercise and he then takes a good nap! We also go to the park and sometimes just for a walk.
If we are inside, he loves to sit and color at his little table, or I am lucky that he is content to sit and play with his legos or his trucks. I read a lot of books to him and we visit the library often for storytime and just so he can pick out a book or two.
He's not a super big TV watcher, but if all else fails, he'll watch a show or two as well. Sometimes I put in an ABC or 123 video and I watch with him so he learns.
Posted 5/3/06 11:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Toddler Activities
We also go outside as much as possible. For some reason, even if he is just walking around on the lawn he is less cranky and can entertain himself much easier outside. Plus I find he eats more for lunch if we have a picnic outside. 
As for rainy days, I hop in the car and go somewhere even if it is to the play area at the mall. Just something to get out of the house and help the day go by a little easier.
We also have a black lab who entertains Jack on a regular basis. He loves that dog and will play with him for a long time.
We also do a lot of puzzles. Well, Jack does puzzles...I'm not allowed to help...I'm only allowed to sit and watch.
I too work from home, so we often to a morning and afternoon video.
Posted 5/4/06 9:54 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/06 606 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Toddler Activities
We go outside too and she loves it. We just started coloring. (She does it in her highchair while I cook dinner) Lots and lots of reading and she is into puzzles now too. DH and I just went to Toys R Us for some outdoor toys and I try to take a walk everyday. She loves Sesame Street so thats a little break for me. If it's raining I just don't count on getting too much done b/c I am constantly finding a way to pass the day. She will entertain herself with a basket of clean laundry or a bunch of tupperware- whatever works!
Posted 5/4/06 12:46 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Toddler Activities
my daughter is 20 months old and is at daycare but when she gets home she will want to help me cook so I will give her a pot with a spoon and then she will go into my tupperwear cabinet and play with that. after dinner she gets a bath then I will read or we will watch a video of some sort. She is good with playing alone. On the weekends I will take her to the park or go visit some friends that have kids as well we also color and just started to finger paint. I will put on music and we will act sily and dance around the house. I guess I am lucky cuz she will still take naps
Posted 5/4/06 2:30 PM |
Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06 3923 total posts
Re: Toddler Activities
My daughter is 2 as well.
We play a lot outside ( she jumps on her trampoline) and has a playcenter and play house and a ton of other activties for outside.,
She also has gymnastics onbce a week and a library class once a week. We do playdates once or twice a week as well. When home, she plays with playdoh, all her toys, puzzles, purses, plays mommy to her babies. Watches Dora and Diego once a day while eating breakfast. we do learning time, numbers, alphbet, colors shapes. Flash cards.
We color and paint a lot too, go in the pool.....
Posted 5/4/06 8:12 PM |