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Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

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boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

Toddler moms, has anyone purchased or have experience with Britax booster seats ?

Posted 8/25/06 12:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

I'm curious about this too, Anna. We're thinking of moving Sean into a booster Chat Icon and haven't begun to research it yet. He's only a mere 42" and 43 pounds. Chat Icon

I have Britax carseats and love them, so we were just going to get the Britax booster, but I want to make sure it gets high ratings like the carseats. Chat Icon

Posted 8/25/06 8:46 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

So funny you posted this b/c I was just thinking about it yesterday too. I have perfect timing when it comes to getting one into a booster and freeing up the Marathon for the baby. Click on this link to NHTSA and scroll all the way down - lots of boosters with good marks to choose from. Wow Kathi, your switching him over already? Potty trained and a booster...not a baby anymore at all. He is the same size exactly as Luke, maybe an inch shorter... God Bless!


Posted 8/25/06 8:59 AM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

Posted by Elizabeth

So funny you posted this b/c I was just thinking about it yesterday too. I have perfect timing when it comes to getting one into a booster and freeing up the Marathon for the baby. Click on this link to NHTSA and scroll all the way down - lots of boosters with good marks to choose from. Wow Kathi, your switching him over already? Potty trained and a booster...not a baby anymore at all. He is the same size exactly as Luke, maybe an inch shorter... God Bless!


Thanks for that site, Liz! I don't know if we're switching him. Part of me thinks Why wait? He's plenty big for it. Chat Icon But of course, I want to keep him a toddler as long as possible... Chat Icon

We're switching Kevin around in a week or so and when I get his seat inspected, I may just get Sean's booster <gulp> inspected. Chat Icon

Posted 8/25/06 9:14 AM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

ACtually, I DONT even think JA is ready for a booster, he's only around 36" and no more than 32lbs, my little munchkin.
and Nicholas is give or take an inch or 2 (shorter, for now, lol) and a pound here or there.

So I know Nicholas is NOT old enough for a booster right ? (But he's TOO big for the Evenflo Triumph that he's still in Chat Icon )

and I def prefer them both to be in a 5pt harness still... I gotta see if any of them have that. I know most boosters dont, I guess the whole point is that they outgrow the harness and into the big boy belt..

JA is in a booster right now, that I really dont feel secure about, so I wanted a super secure booster, or a convertible car seat that will last and grow to the next stage...

i''ll check out that site, thanks Liz !

Message edited 8/25/2006 9:37:02 AM.

Posted 8/25/06 9:36 AM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Toddler Moms, BRITAX BOOSTER SEAts ?

Liz, thanks for that link. Now im liking the Eddie Bauer one, it seems to have nice secure straps and grows into a booster. so its a bigger seat, while not being a booster without the straps.
Chat Icon So far IVe changed my mind ten times Chat Icon

Message edited 8/25/2006 11:05:14 AM.

Posted 8/25/06 11:00 AM

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