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Too soon to be happy?

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/13

91 total posts


Too soon to be happy?

Transferred 1- 3 day, 4 cell embryo on May 4th. This was my second IVF cycle after 4 failed IUI cycles.

May 16th (12dp3dt) was my beta, and they called and said congratulations! I was so shocked I didn't even ask for the numbers. I just asked if they could double check they called the right person because I have the most common last name ever.

May 21st (17dp3dt) was my second beta- 4000.

May 28th- (24dp3dt) was my third beta- 34,400. We also had a sonogram and the RE said she *thought* she saw a heartbeat, but she put me at about 5 weeks and said it was early. I go back June 11th.

The only people that know are my dh obviously, and my mom. They are soooo excited. And they don't understand why I'm not yet, I'm too scared to be excited.

So I guess my question is, when is it ok to let my guard down and be happy about this? Am I ever in the "safe" zone?

Posted 6/5/14 9:38 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Too soon to be happy?

Only you can answer that question for yourself. Each and every person is going to have a different answer. There are girls that feel "safe" immediately after getting that BFP and start telling family. I didn't do treatments for IF, but I had multiple losses, and for me, we didn't tell our moms until we were 11 weeks, rest of the family until about 13 weeks, which was last week. This week, at almost 14 weeks I'm just starting to tell some friends. There is no one size fits all answer to those questions. It's so personal.

Posted 6/5/14 10:17 AM

So in love!

Member since 6/06

4378 total posts


Re: Too soon to be happy?

As PP said - only you can say. Its hard when you go through IF. I went through treatments for almost 3 years and in that also suffered a miscarriage. We waited until 13/14 weeks to start telling family this time and I still personally take it day by day. But you do start to feel better with each passing exam, etc. Just breathe and take it step by step.

Posted 6/5/14 8:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

136 total posts


Too soon to be happy?

you have to do what feels right for you! i suffered a terribe loss before i had my ds...i remember i was 7 mos preg with my belly all big and i still wouldnt really admit to it or even speak too much about it...i remember a collegue of mine looked at me and was like "my you look different" and i told her I got a hair cut!!!! LOL no one really knew either before i was like 5-6 months (when is started showing and i couldnt hide it from my close people). the day my ds came home is when i felt was the "safe zone". but remember everyone is different!

Message edited 6/6/2014 4:23:54 PM.

Posted 6/6/14 4:23 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: Too soon to be happy?

I am 8 weeks pregnant and terrified to make an appt with an OB lol it makes it too real and I'm so scared of something going wrong. We all need to acknowledge our journey and take it one step at a time. Today after graduating my RE, I can say that I finally am acknowledging I am pregnant. One day at a time.

Posted 6/12/14 4:33 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: Too soon to be happy?

Posted by jessnbrian

Only you can answer that question for yourself.

So true.....

I was nervous until two days before my csection date.

After several losses, I wanted to believe my pregnancy with my son would be "the one" but the reality is, I lost his twin early on which was a reminder of just how precious each day I was pregnant really was. I lived my pregnancy week to week. My first goal was to get to 8 weeks because many of my losses took place around then- then 12 weeks, then 17 weeks since that was when my first pregnancy ended, I started to let my guard up around then, and then had preterm labor issues at 22 weeks, I was focused on making it to 24 weeks (viability). and then 28 weeks there's a 95% chance of survival so I breathed a little sigh of relief at that point which got a little better each week.

Posted 6/13/14 6:36 AM


Member since 12/12

4088 total posts


Re: Too soon to be happy?

I think it is very natural to put up a shield. After so many months of trying it is sometimes hard to believe that you are finally pregnant. In addition, it is even harder sometimes to let your guard down should something happen. Kind of like if something were to happen it might be easier to grieve.

I didn't allow myself to feel genuinely happy about being pregnant until I was about 33 weeks pregnant. I even ordered DDs furniture and MADE the sale person write on the contract that they would remove all of the furniture and grant a full refund should something happen to my baby. I was NUTS!

After DD was born I realized something... If something was going to happen while pregnant, it would likely be something that was out of my control. In addition, I don't think the grief would have been less.

My best advise is to enjoy every moment one minute at a time.

Posted 6/30/14 9:56 PM

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