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Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Totally Freaking Out ...
On 5/5, when I went to the OB/GYN to speak to her about my infertility issues, she wrote a prescription up for me to get an HSG done. While there, I asked the receptionist to provide me with a recommended place to get this procedure done. She gave me two sheets of paper, one of which had four locations on it, one right in Commack (close to my house.) Well, between my schedule and NERVES, I haven't gotten around to scheduling an appt., but today I decided to just bite the bullet and call.
My conversation goes something like this:
Me: "Hi, I'm calling to schedule an HSG."
X: "A WHAT???"
Me: "An HSG -- My doctor wrote a prescription for me and recommended I call this office."
X: "You're going to have to tell me what an HSG is...."
Me (thinking it must be a new receptionist): "It's a xray of my fallopian tubes."
X: "I don't know what you're talking about. What's wrong with you?"
Me: "I need to get this procedure done as recommended by my doctor."
X: "What KIND of doctor? YOu need xrays or what?"
Me: "My OB/GYN."
X: "Oooh. HOld on. I have to talk to a doctor."
After 10 minutes
X: "The doctor seems to think it has something to do with a sonogram."
Me: "No. It's where they inject a dye into my fallopian tubes to check for blockages, fibroids, or anything that could be wrong with my tubes or uterus."
X: "Why? What's wrong? You have a blockage?"
Me: "I'm hoping the results of my HSG will be able to tell me that. That's why I need to get one done."
X: "Hold on..."
Another 10 minutes passes
X: "Ok, We still think it's something to do with a sonogram or something so can you call back at like 9:30 tomorrow morning? Tell me what your problem is."
Me: "I have infertility issues."
X: "Well that's not an emergency, infertility is infertility. And just so you know, the reason we're all so confused is because nobody here has ever performed that procedure. We just got the machines in last week."
X: "That's a good thing. We have great doctors here and brand new equipment. Can I have your name and number?"
I wanted to hang up on her and cry. Sorry so long but OMG!
Posted 6/4/05 4:43 PM |
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Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
wow, I would totally freak out too I would call your dr. back and tel that what happened. Best of luck, and keep us updated
I know when I went for mine, I had to have a pg test done , just to make sure, because that can have an effect on you if you were pg.
Message edited 6/4/2005 5:07:32 PM.
Posted 6/4/05 5:05 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
I'd report that to the doctor's office. They should know the procedures they might be dealing with!
Posted 6/4/05 5:15 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Diane, did they do the pg test onsite or at your ob/gyn's office? Anything I should expect aside from cramping?
Posted 6/4/05 5:22 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
That's a frustrating situation, I'm sorry you had to deal with that ignorant person. I would def. tell my recommending dr. Good luck
Posted 6/4/05 5:25 PM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
WOW! I don't think I could go to them! In my opinion, please call one of the other places and go to someone who knows what the heck is going on.
Message edited 6/4/2005 5:35:43 PM.
Posted 6/4/05 5:35 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
I would try and call during the week, the sat staff might not know as much.
Posted 6/4/05 5:48 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Posted by Susan
Diane, did they do the pg test onsite or at your ob/gyn's office? Anything I should expect aside from cramping?
My RE did it. They took blood at their office, and let me know the day before I went in for the HSG. It is just a precaustion.
Message edited 6/4/2005 5:59:13 PM.
Posted 6/4/05 5:58 PM |
Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
OMG, that is scaaaaaaary!!!!
Posted 6/4/05 6:13 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Wow! That is really frightnening! If I were you I would definitely go to one of the other places (it's worth the drive) or maybe call back on Monday to see if they know what is going on by then. I agree with the others, you should tell your regular dr., they won't know otherwise.
Posted 6/4/05 6:35 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
YOU ARE NOT going there right??
Aslo..Not only tell your OBGYN about it so they DONT recomend them, but Call your insurance company and file a complaint. I work in insurance and we get tons of complaints a day..It SCARES the places when we investigate , not to mention if they are really bad, the insurance will drop them as members, they lose money etc.
Im so sorry..find someplace else! And good luck!
Posted 6/4/05 8:53 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
I don't know what to do. I don't want to judge the entire place on one clueless receptionist, yet I feel in the time she took to put me on hold and speak to professionals, SOMEONE should have been able to provide her with SOME insight as to what I was talking about. I gave her my name and number already. She told me to call at 9am tomorrow morning when 'so and so' was in the office, so I'm going to call tomorrow am. If I get the same level of cluelessness, I will DEFINITELY go with my gut and NOT book there. It's just so depressing bc I waited so long to book this bc I was afraid and nobody understood why. It's because of things like THIS. Plus, i didn't exactly feel comfortable telling the receptionist what my problem was (it really is none of her business ... she just has to book the HSG) ... and the reason I don't like telling people is bc they say insensitive things like, "Oooh, it's just infertility ... infertility is infertility --- it's not an emergency, sweetie." UCH!!!!!!!!!!! This is probably coming from a woman who got pregnant on her first shot!
ETA: Thanks for your support, understanding, and advice. If I receive the same level of unprofessionalism or do not receive a satisfactory explanation as to why I received such unprofessionalism today, I will definiely report this co to both my doc and the insurance co. Thanks again, ladies. You truly are my greatest source of support these days.
Message edited 6/4/2005 10:06:45 PM.
Posted 6/4/05 10:03 PM |
She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
susan !
I would NEVER book there! I can't believe what they said to you! I wouldn't want to be their guinnea pig!
Tell your office right away and check out other offices!
Best of luck!
Posted 6/4/05 10:10 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
I totally forgot to add this part:
When she was so confused by the whole HSG thing, I told her to write down the letters HSG, spelled out the long name for her, and then I said, "It's a fluoroscopic procedure that is apparently done by the doctors in your office, as indicated on your list of services."
And she was like, "WHAT?!?"
If this sheet of paper was PRINTED by her office, don't you think that she could look at the list of services provided by her office and see what the hell I was talking about? Or if not her, someone else in the office????
Sorry, I just can't get over this...
Posted 6/4/05 10:13 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
WOW!!! That's insane. I have no words.
Even if she didn't have a clue... and how could she not, she was soooo rude and WAY insensitive.
How can she be a receptionist at a testing site? Shouldn't she assume that everyone needing a test has some sort of medical mystery/problem and she should should be extra sensitive?
Maybe her boss can give her a CAT scan to see if she has a brain in her head.
So sorry
Posted 6/5/05 7:56 AM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Theresa - You are too funny. All of you are right. I really need to get my procedure done elsewhere and report this place. TY!
Posted 6/5/05 8:06 AM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
OMG, Yes, I would be freaking out too! I would talk to the person who is doing the procedure and continue to ask the same questions to see if she knows what she is talking about.
I probably wouldn't go there. IF the receptionist has never heard of a HSG, then they probably don't do many procedures there.
Posted 6/5/05 8:08 AM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
I'm sorry you are going through this Susan
Maybe you should think about having it done at another office. I would be afraid b/c even if they were nice on Monday, the receptionist said it was a new machine and no one had ever performed the procedure there ........
Posted 6/5/05 9:00 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Are you SERIOUS?! What's with the absolutely HORRIBLE level of care for ob/gyn/fertility/RE doctors these days?? And why do you always run into these schmucks????!!!!
Don't take any chances Sue... go somewhere reputable. You would never forgive yourself if something happened, and you NEED to feel comfortable with the practice that's doing all this testing... it's scary enough as it is!
Posted 6/5/05 11:17 AM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
OMG! I would have hung up way before you did! Don't go there - just dont.
I'm having my HSG tomorrow morning I'm not happy. But the doctor's office seemed OK...they are in Plainview.
Posted 6/5/05 4:18 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Why oh why do doctors and doctors' offices blow so???
I hope you get some better responses tomorrow.
Posted 6/5/05 6:58 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Totally Freaking Out ...
Posted by kelleherkm
OMG! I would have hung up way before you did! Don't go there - just dont.
I agree with Kathy, Susan
I would NOT go to an establishment who treated you like this and seems to know SO little about this procedure. I am APPALLED at the way you were treated (as if you weren't already worried enough this dind't help!!)
Posted 6/5/05 8:49 PM |