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Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

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Love my little man <3

Member since 12/10

1332 total posts


Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

I know I am slightly prone to constipation post surgery with narcotic pain killers, so post csection day 1 I made sure to get colace 2x/day. While at the hospital I was taking my oxycodone fairly regularly, 1 every 3 hours or so. On my second to last day I was kinda getting worried (no BM since the morning I delivered - Friday - it's now Monday). I was told not to worry. This is normal. I was passing gas, which is good enough at that time. On my last day there still no BM. I asked for some senna before I left the hospital - and the order was never written for. I had DH pick me up some senna at the pharmacy. I started taking 2 pills 2x/day, and continued colace 2x/day as well. Wednesday night - very small BM, and I can still tell I'm FOS (full o sh*t). Thursday morning, we're on our way out the door to DS first doctors appt and I have to go. I'm sitting on the toilet, screaming in pain, wondering if this is what labor feels like if you gave birth out you a$$. I tell DH to call the pediatrician, tell them we'll be 10 minutes late. Still, nothing come out. I am dying at this point. Later that night I finally go. Then I proceed to have diarrhea 6 more times. What a nightmare!

Lesson of story:
Factors that might lead to constipation:
Abdominal surgery
Giving birth in general
Prenatal vitamins with iron
Hospital food - hi, where's my fruits and vegetables???

Request some senna (2 tabs at bed time as needed for constipation) when you get to the maternity unit!

Posted 9/3/11 3:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

773 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

I had the same experience.
You forgot to mention the color- Black!!!!

Posted 9/3/11 3:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

Im with you! I had impacted bowels during my first pregnancy and wanted to die during that. I will say that it was very similar to contractions!

After this birth I thought it happened again. I was never so happy to go!

I need to up my metamucil and benefiber!

Posted 9/3/11 3:34 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

AND get a loved one to bring you a burrito in the hospital. I had one with both boys, and had no issue going before being discharged Chat Icon

Def take the colace!

Posted 9/3/11 3:53 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/11

402 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

OMG I have a horrible, horrible memory of my first BM after my CS, same exact thing happened to me as to you OP and when finally I started going after so many days and after trying to go for hours and hours I couldn't finish, I couldn't stand up, I was screaming in pain and called my OBGYN sobbing. It was disgusting, scary, painful and traumatized me for life, some of you will laugh at me but having the first BM after my future SC is my worst fear, scares me even more than than sc incision pain, painful first days of breastfeeding and sleepless nights Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh and nobody gave me or told me to take any kind of stool softener or laxative until the day of discharge, when I told the nurse I hadn't done the business for 3 days, she said oh just take a stool softener... Chat Icon

Message edited 9/3/2011 7:14:02 PM.

Posted 9/3/11 7:12 PM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

It was 6 days before I had my first pp bm. It was painful for 2 weeks! Still no clue why. Like a sharp pain, like my insides were being ripped out. Maybe because things were moved around during the csection?

Posted 9/3/11 10:52 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

Posted by maymama

It was 6 days before I had my first pp bm. It was painful for 2 weeks! Still no clue why. Like a sharp pain, like my insides were being ripped out. Maybe because things were moved around during the csection?

It took me a week to finally go and then I felt the same way you did. I still am uncomfortable going 3 weeks after surgery.

Posted 9/4/11 12:06 AM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: Totally TMI - heed my warning girls! (postpartum constipation) Warning, gets graphic, LOL

This was my worst fear with my 1st.

I think fear alone constipated me....

But going was not too bad. I had an episiotomy the size of Texas, so I'm sure it wasn't pretty down there & I'm still surprised I didn't get an infection.

Posted 9/4/11 2:06 PM

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