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Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

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Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

If you read my post on pregnancy..sorry for the repost... if not here a little background..

Ive been real itchy for about 2-3 weeks now... it starting off as nothing...and with each day it got worse, and then a rash (not sure if it was from itching or something else) formed...

I called the DR the 1st time... I was told Benadryl and lotion..

Then I saw the DR and she had my blood work done..

Then the itching continued to get worse.. so I went back to the DR a little shy of a week later (they still had no results) and she put me on a low dose of steroids..

Yesterday they got the cholestasis test back and it was neg. but not the test results from the PUPPS test...

I called again today and they said they called the lab and the wont have my results til 21 days...Chat Icon

I cant imagine why... and if I go til 40 weeks.. that will only be like a week and a few days before my due date... What was the point of running these tests if we werent gonna have any answers til after the baby was born..or right before...

Im so nervous about everything... I just wanted to know if anyone else had PUPPS... how long there tests results took... any rememdies to control this INSANE itching, and if they had also taken steroids..


Posted 9/8/05 6:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Family of 5!

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15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS


Posted 9/9/05 5:50 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

JMO, but I don't think your doctor isn't taking this seriously enough. I've never heard of it taking that long to receive test results. That's just insane. You're suffering and it's almost like your Dr. doesn't care. I know how you feel. The itching is absolutely MISERABLE. My cholestasis nearly drove me to the brink of insanity. Luckily, my Dr. was understanding about it though and was a huge help. I know you're pretty far along, but is there another Dr. you can see?
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Message edited 9/9/2005 6:05:40 PM.

Posted 9/9/05 6:05 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

Well I did get the cholestasis results back...they were negative...

However the PUPPS results still have not come in...

Im being treated as if I have it already (with steroids) so according to my DR. the results arent really gonna make a difference..

My mom knows a couple girls from work who had PUPPS so I asked her to ask them how long there results took...and they said their DR. knew just by looking at them that they had PUPPS...they didnt know how long the results took because they never had the bloodwork done...????

Im guessing since the 1st time I went I had no rash, she sent me for tests...then when I came back with a rash she prescribed the meds.... at least thats what Id like to believe..

I agree, I think my Dr stinks!!!! After my next apt. Im gonna make my apt.s with the other DR.... Im 34 weeks into my preg., and I wouldnt even know where to begin at finding another DR or if anyone would even take me..

I will say today was the 4th day of steroids..and I have noticed that what I thought was stretch marks..and some of the rash have begun fading and scabbing almost... they are turning white... so I think its healing, however its still REALLY itchy!!!

Posted 9/9/05 6:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

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Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

I developed Pupps at 34 weeks and immediately saw a dermatologist who prescribed medication. My ob was the one who told me to go to the dermatologist and he knew right away it was Pupps. I wasn't given steroids that was considered a last resort but it took about a week for the pills and creams prescribed to me to take effect. I really don't think there is a test for Pupps, please either see the other doctor or see a dermatologist. My pupps lasted about a month after I delivered and I have scars from the scratching, be careful.

Posted 9/9/05 7:58 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

They tried to send me to a dermatologist...I have an apt. but wasnt planning on going, because I took it as my DR shoving me off on someone else....

The steroids are only like a 20 day prescription...and like I said before I think they might be working... Im still itchy but my belly looks a whole lot better..

What kinda meds did they give you?

Posted 9/9/05 8:21 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

I was also diagnosed with PUPPS based just on a visual exam, there was no bloodwork confirmation. I didn't even know such a thing existed.

Posted 9/9/05 8:38 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Calling all moms who had (or were tested for) PUPPS

Perhaps they got it mixed up and they're doing some sort of extended search for cholestasis? I agree that them doing bloodwork for PUPPS seems a little strange.

Posted 9/9/05 8:42 PM

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