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3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
I don't know what to do anymore. Alex puts up a fight everytime it is nap time. It takes him 20 to 30 minutes of crying before he will fall asleep. This happens everyday, I don't know what to do. How can I get him to nap without putting up such a fight? I know he is tired because he will sleep 1 to 2 hours after he falls asleep, it is just getting him there? Any suggestions or books?
Posted 1/23/06 1:33 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Naps???
When it's nap time for Jared...he screams like crazy. I just plop him in the crib and let him scream. Within 10 minutes, he's usually out. I close the curtain to make it dark, like it's nighttime in his room too...I also put on baby einstein classical cds...
Posted 1/23/06 1:41 PM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Naps???
I let him cry and fuss too, but it kills me. I really thought after a couple of days he would go right out, but this has been going on for months. Jared cries everyday too? I just keep thinking something has to help him. I have tried standing at the foot of the crib, CIO nothing. I guess that is how he falls asleep.
Posted 1/23/06 1:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Naps???
Yes, everything I put him in the crib for a nap...he cries. I don't stand at the foot of the crib because it makes him cry harder. I just put him in, give him a kiss and walk away. I never read a book at naptime because I associate that with bedtime.
Posted 1/23/06 3:32 PM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Naps???
Thank you, I guess I am not alone on this one. I hope for the day where he will go to sleep w/o crying.
Posted 1/23/06 3:39 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Naps???
He will one day...
Posted 1/23/06 3:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: Naps???
oh i hope it would get better. I nurse sidney to sleep at bedtime and for naps cause i just can't stand to hear the crying. I figured one day I would let her cry so she would learn how to nap on her own but this is not giving me hope.
Posted 1/23/06 9:43 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/05 671 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Naps???
Did you try making the nap a little later or try a little while after lunch so he has a full belly.
Posted 1/24/06 10:36 AM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Naps???
Posted by NovemberSue
Did you try making the nap a little later or try a little while after lunch so he has a full belly.
I have tried everything. I don't know if we are ready for 1 nap a day. Maybe. He is tired because he is yawning and rubbing his eyes and once he falls asleep he sleeps for a good hour. I started giving him a bottle first. But nothing has stopped the crying.
Our schedule is this
7am wake 6oz bottle 8am breakfast 10am 2-3 oz bottle 10:30 nap
11:30 wake alittle snack while I make lunch. Some gerber puffs
12:00 Lunch
3:00 bottle 6oz and snack then a nap 5:30 dinner 7:00 bottle 6oz 7:30 bed
ETA - What age did you start one nap. I really don't feel he is ready to give up the morning nap yet?
Message edited 1/24/2006 10:41:25 AM.
Posted 1/24/06 10:39 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/06 52 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Naps???
Hi. I'm not a parent yet but I have helped raise my baby sister and I have 2 godsons, so you don't have to take my advice into consideration. My sister stopped taking a morning nap around 7 months. But she made up for it on her afternoon nap sleeping about an hour longer. Maybe he's just ready for one nap. And don't feel bad if he cries. He has too learn how to self soothe. I'm a daycare provider and I babysit for 2 year olds who don't know how to go to sleep on their own. By that age they should. Even if he isn't ready to give up a morning nap, don't give in to him when he cries. You'll only make it harder on yourself in the long run. Good luck though and hopefully he grows out of it soon. I know it's hard not to run and pick them up when they cry!
Posted 1/24/06 10:51 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Naps???
Posted by mommy2Alex
Posted by NovemberSue
Did you try making the nap a little later or try a little while after lunch so he has a full belly.
I have tried everything. I don't know if we are ready for 1 nap a day. Maybe. He is tired because he is yawning and rubbing his eyes and once he falls asleep he sleeps for a good hour. I started giving him a bottle first. But nothing has stopped the crying.
Our schedule is this
7am wake 6oz bottle 8am breakfast 10am 2-3 oz bottle 10:30 nap
11:30 wake alittle snack while I make lunch. Some gerber puffs
12:00 Lunch
3:00 bottle 6oz and snack then a nap 5:30 dinner 7:00 bottle 6oz 7:30 bed
ETA - What age did you start one nap. I really don't feel he is ready to give up the morning nap yet?
He's probably overtired.
Trying putting him down for his first nap earlier, much earlier - around 9 am or so. He will be awake and happy, but he's probably already tired by then.
Jake only cries at naptime when I've kept him up too long.
Posted 1/24/06 11:18 AM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Naps???
I think I will try the nap earlier for the next few days, around 9:30 and see how that goes. If it doesn't help then maybe I will try 1 nap a day. Thanks for the advice girls.
Posted 1/24/06 12:15 PM |