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Feeling a little funny...UPDATE

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Feeling a little funny...UPDATE

So the past few days I have not been feeling like myself... I assumed it was just because I was getting further along in my pregnancy...and its been hot and whatever...

Well today at work I started feeling dizzy and having some one point I turned around and started seeing stars... (I know I sound crazy...but it was like floating glitter everywhere)

Of course this is freaking me out... I dont know what to do or what this means...

I called my mom and she made me call the DR, who of course isnt in today... Im assuming the answering service paged him..???

Please let me know what you think...IM panicking as I sit here waiting for the call....

COuld this be my blood pressure...sugar???

Message edited 7/18/2005 9:43:26 AM.

Posted 7/15/05 3:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Feeling a little funny...

Are you drinking enough water??
Could be blood pressure, I'm not really sure, but I hope it goes away. Keep us posted. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/05 3:25 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Feeling a little funny...

Thats what I thought it Ive been trying to drink alot of water today....

I dunno...freaky though...

Im still waiting for them to call back...

Posted 7/15/05 3:29 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

444 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

Are you outside alot? Are you drinking enough water? Sounds like you might be dehydrating. Definitely call the Dr....but in the meantime stay inside where it's cool and drink lots of water. Oh yeah, have you eaten recently? Could be low blood sugar....

Good luck...keep us up to date!

Posted 7/15/05 3:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

189 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

I was feeling like that 3 weeks ago and it turns out that I developed anemia and need to take iron pills.

I hope you feel better!

Posted 7/15/05 3:30 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Feeling a little funny...

The dr still hasnt called me back....Im starting to get a little annoyed!!!

However I drank some OJ and took a cat nap, and the panic has calmed...and I am feeling better...

Thanks girls~~

Posted 7/15/05 4:32 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

Feel better!

Posted 7/15/05 4:59 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

def drink alot- I used to get that too and it was nothing- its really hot outside

Posted 7/15/05 5:12 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Feeling a little funny...

I called the Operator service again...I just said.. Hey listen I called 2hrs ago...they said they were gonna page the DR. I do feel better however would still like to talk to him..

they told me.... He called us back and siad he was in the middle of a procedure and as soon as it was over he'd call them for my number...

Needless to say its now Sat and he never called me.

Dont get me wrong I feel alot better not that I rested and what not... but it wouldve been nice of him to call me back..dont you think??

How do I handle this??? Its scary to think if it was something even worse he may not of even called me...Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/05 8:38 AM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

Posted by Princessmaris

I called the Operator service again...I just said.. Hey listen I called 2hrs ago...they said they were gonna page the DR. I do feel better however would still like to talk to him..

they told me.... He called us back and siad he was in the middle of a procedure and as soon as it was over he'd call them for my number...

Needless to say its now Sat and he never called me.

Dont get me wrong I feel alot better not that I rested and what not... but it wouldve been nice of him to call me back..dont you think??

How do I handle this??? Its scary to think if it was something even worse he may not of even called me...Chat Icon

I'm glad you feel better, but I have to say, that is terrible treatment from your Dr!!! I know when I was pergnant, I had a couple of scares on off hours, and I was called back within 10-15 minutes! I'd certainly express your disappointment with the Dr. What if this were a true emergency? And in your eyes, it was an emergency! I'd be pi$$Ed!

Posted 7/16/05 8:49 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Feeling a little funny...

You have no idea how angry I am! (this is sort of unlike him....although I have never had any other issues before I know 2 friends who are more anal then me and never had this problem with him)

Did the answering service really page him??? DId I leave the wrong return number in my call of panick???

I have no clue! SHould I call again...say the same thing I said last time... Im feeling better but I still wanna talk to him...

DO I wait til Monday and express my anger to the receptionist...

Im totally clueless on what to do!

Posted 7/16/05 9:11 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

If it was his services fault, it is still his fault because his service represents him. He should know if they screwed up.

I would call again and have him paged. There is probably a different doctor on call today but either way you will feel better if you talk to someone.

I would mention it to the doc when he calls.

Posted 7/16/05 9:39 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

I would definately say somehting, That is so unacceptable.

BUt glad you are feeling better.

Posted 7/16/05 6:19 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Feeling a little funny...

Definitely call back and say something...that is no way for you to be treated...someone should have called you back!!!

I'm glad you're feeling better...keep drinking lots of's been brutal out there the past few days!

Posted 7/17/05 8:53 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Feeling a little funny...UPDATE

Im calling the DR at the office today...

Im just gonna A. tell them the symptoms I was feeling ( I still wanna know what caused all this) and B. then ask why I didnt receieve a phone call back, and if this was gonna happen often... express how scary it was and if the DR isnt gonna call me back then maybe I need to find a new one??

IS this to harsh????? I just really fear this will happen again and keep thinking what if this was something so severe????



SO I called... spoke to the nurse practioner...she was very apologetic...and couldnt understand why I did not recieve a phone call back! Shes thinking either the operating service didnt give him the info. or something got placed... (and as she said herself...theres no excuse) shes gonna talk to the DR. and find out what happened... and get back to me by tomorrow...

As far as my symptoms... since Im feeling better..they think it was hormones..heat...low blood sugar...a mix of these things... and if it starts to happen again to call them... AND SOMEONE WILL CALL ME BACK-SHE SAID...

Message edited 7/18/2005 10:00:38 AM.

Posted 7/18/05 9:46 AM

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