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What is your 8 month olds feeding schedule?

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


What is your 8 month olds feeding schedule?

My daughter currently eats three meals and 5 bottles. We are trying to cut out a bottle. She also seems so hungry lately, sucking down all her bottles, so I am trying to increase her solids and introduce more "real food". Just curious how your schedules are. Thanks in advance.

Posted 12/12/05 11:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: What is your 8 month olds feeding schedule?

Connor will be 8 months on the 19th.

His schedule

3.5 ozs cereal
stage 2 jar of fruit

3.5 ozs cereal
stage 2 jar of fruit or veggi

Afternoon 6 oz bottle

Stage 2 dinner
Jar of stage 2 veggie

Before bed
6oz bottle (which he doesn't always finish)

He used to drink a 3 oz bottle with each meal but wasn't always interested so I combined into an afternoon bottle before his nap.

He also drinks a juice/water combo as he wants during the day. Never more than 6 ozs a day.

Posted 12/12/05 12:09 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: What is your 8 month olds feeding schedule?

Sarah is 9 months, but she has cereal with fruit for breakfast and dinner and then a meat and veggie meal and a jar of fruit for lunch. I put about 20 Gerber puffs in a bowl and she feeds herself those throughout the day. She also has about 5 bottles. I've been trying to up her solid food, but she has very little interest in cereal anymore, so getting her to eat that is a chore. I figure she's at least getting nutrition from the bottles.

We did try yougrt, but she had a lot of problems digesting it. I've been putting off starting cottage cheese because I fear the same thing. We also tried pastina but she hated it. I'm going to try it again now that she's good at eating the puffs.

Posted 12/12/05 12:10 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: What is your 8 month olds feeding schedule?

Here is Alex's schedule (he is 8.5 months old)

7:30 AM
6oz bottle
1 - 2 tbsp cereal
1 Stage 2 jar of fruit

6oz bottle
1-2 tbsp cereal
1 Stage 2 meat/veggie or combo

6oz bottle

2tbsp cereal
1 Stage 2 jar of fruit

6oz bottle (he doesn't usually finish)

Message edited 12/12/2005 12:22:19 PM.

Posted 12/12/05 12:21 PM

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