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Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

I am thinking of asking for this, as I read it helps people with borderline high FSH get a better idea of Ovarian reserve...

Is it really just a count of your monthly follilcles that measure less then 10?

Posted 1/13/06 12:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

Never had it done, ask Theresa, what happened to her when she asked Rs to do this lol

But yes, it's when they count your follicules that are greater than 4mm. The follies can be seen when they are larger than 4mm. on u/s.

Posted 1/13/06 1:12 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

Posted by redstar

Never had it done, ask Theresa, what happened to her when she asked Rs to do this lol

But yes, it's when they count your follicules that are greater than 4mm. The follies can be seen when they are larger than 4mm. on u/s.

Oh yeah, THREE, count them THREE sono techs/NPs had no idea what I was talking about!!!

I swear I felt like screaming, "Ummmmm, I have a teaching degree, not a medical degree and how in the h e l l do I know more about this than they do?!"Chat Icon Chat Icon

Donna, please ask them. I want to know what their response is.Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/06 4:16 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

So, when I went for my first visit with East Coast, and he did an u/s, and counted out loud the follies he could see (this was about 2 days before Oing)....I should have taken notes?? Chat Icon

OK I know there were 4 or 5 on the right, one LARGE on the left that obstructed his view but he thought he saw 3 or so behind that one... Are these good #s for not being on meds yet??Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/06 4:20 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

I read anything over 10 follies in each ovary is a good predictor of at least 10 years till menapause....

I ask because I know they have written on my chart 10 less then 10 ( meaning ten follies measuring less then ten) on each ovary more then once....This to me is GOOD considering my higher end FSH, but I was wondering what they would say if I actually ASKED about it.

I go on Wednesday I will ask then...although with my large cysts, Im not likly to get anyone to do it, because they have already told me they have a hard time distinguishing between cysts and follies. Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/06 4:24 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Antral Follicle Count?

Posted by karacg

So, when I went for my first visit with East Coast, and he did an u/s, and counted out loud the follies he could see (this was about 2 days before Oing)....I should have taken notes?? Chat Icon

OK I know there were 4 or 5 on the right, one LARGE on the left that obstructed his view but he thought he saw 3 or so behind that one... Are these good #s for not being on meds yet??Chat Icon

The antral follicule count should be done fairly early in the cycle. CD 3 is a good day. Usually when doctors start mentioning follies they mention ones that are over 10mm. So your doctor may not have even be talking about all of them Kara. Any follicule above 4mm should be able to be seen on a u/s. Definitely ask them to do a count, this is very telling as to your ovarian reserve, more so than fsh levels that are increased.

Once again there is sometimes a correlation between immune issues and fsh levels. However, the majority of RE's don't really focus on immune issues and send you out for more testing if it's a concern.

Posted 1/16/06 5:40 PM

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