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When did you start telling people the news ?

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

262 total posts


When did you start telling people the news ?

I had little argument with my husband b/c
I didnt want to start telling people that we were pregnant (I'm only 5/6 weeks with spotting but will confirm if everything is ok
by the end of the week. The past week has been a roller coaster ride.)

I told my 2 sisters who both have 2 kids.
I am very close to them so I wanted to talk to them about their experiences esp since one sister had a MC. ( I did not tell my mom yet b/c she worries !)

He said if I can tell my sisters he can tell his family too.

I didnt want to tell everybody b/c in the case
things go wrong and I know I am not going to want to talk about it especially to his family (I am not close to them)

Am I being unreasonable ?

Message edited 8/30/2005 6:34:47 PM.

Posted 8/30/05 6:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

no you are not being unreasonable. Just tell him what you just wrote in your post (except the part about not being close to them).

I told two of my friends before I told DH. It was bad timing and I needed some advice. We told our parents by the time I was 7 weeks. I think we started to tell other family and friends around 10 or 11 weeks.

Posted 8/30/05 6:40 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

10-12 weeks we started openly telling since we had miscarried once

Posted 8/30/05 6:43 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

You are not being unreasonable at all.

I would tell him to wait at least until you have your first doctors appointment and confirm that everything is okay - which should be in a few more weeks when you can see a heartbeat. For me it was important to see that heartbeat before I felt safe to tell anyone else.

We told our immediate family within a few days, but told them not to say anything to anyone else until we had confirmation that all was ok. We began to tell the rest of the family and friends at around 10 - 15 weeks.

Good Luck.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/05 7:47 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

You are not being unreasonable at all.

I would tell him to wait at least until you have your first doctors appointment and confirm that everything is okay - which should be in a few more weeks when you can see a heartbeat. For me it was important to see that heartbeat before I felt safe to tell anyone else.

We told our immediate family within a few days, but told them not to say anything to anyone else until we had confirmation that all was ok. We began to tell the rest of the family and friends at around 10 - 15 weeks.

Good Luck.Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree and we did the same thing time-frame wise.

Posted 8/30/05 7:49 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

We told our immediate family within a few days, but told them not to say anything to anyone else until we had confirmation that all was ok. We began to tell the rest of the family and friends at around 10 - 15 weeks.


Same with us. I wanted to make sure things were ok before I told everyone. AFter our first Dr. appt and the first sono, I felt more at ease, but still waited a few more weeks to tell our friends and everyone else.

Posted 8/30/05 7:58 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

We each told our immediate families- that's it. I think he has a right to share it with a family member if he is close with them- but make sure he knows that you are not "spreading the word" yet.

Posted 8/30/05 10:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

Posted by steph4777

no you are not being unreasonable. Just tell him what you just wrote in your post (except the part about not being close to them).

I told two of my friends before I told DH. It was bad timing and I needed some advice.

I agree, I also told two people before DH.. but again.. I just needed someone to talk to ... After DH found out, he wanted to tell everyone, so I just said whatever... The whole family knows, and has for awhile.. The way I look at it is if it's meant to be it will. And as far as his extended family... If god forbid something happens, they all know that stuff happens sometimes.. Just make your DH aware that HE must deal with their idiotic phone calls.. good or bad-- Wish you luck!

Posted 8/31/05 12:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

262 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

HE must deal with their idiotic phone calls.

unfortunately I would get the brunt of the phone calls and idiotic questions....he will defer to me as always...I know he doesnt understand
hormone levels and development especially
he hasnt been to these dr appointment with me...

I am standing firm...I am not telling his family
besides I hate his sisinlaw..she's not very nice to me and I know she talks behind my back.

Message edited 8/31/2005 10:03:14 AM.

Posted 8/31/05 10:02 AM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

telling your sisters is completely different than telling his family. especially when you need advice. if you haven't even told your mom yet, there's no need to tell his family. i too wanted to wait to at least have a dr. appointment to confirm that everything was okay before spreading the news. i totally understand where you're coming from though and would stay firm with your decision, but just think your DH is probably just excited about the baby and wants to share the news. it was hard for my DH to understand why I wanted to wait, but we made the decision together to wait on telling everyone.

Posted 8/31/05 11:24 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

I think everyone will feel differently about this.
I told people right away. The day I took my test. But it was friends who I would want to know if god forbid something went wrong.

I waited a little bit longer to tell people further away that I don't see often.

Posted 8/31/05 11:43 AM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: When did you start telling people the news ?

We told different people at different times...only one of my girlfriends knew right mom and sisters knew a few weeks after that...then we told DH's mother a few weeks after that.

By the time I was 12 weeks, we started to tell everyone.

Posted 8/31/05 6:40 PM

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