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EDD - did it change?

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EDD - did it change?

Did your EDD change during your pregnancy? If so at what point did it change?

Posted 3/12/06 7:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: EDD - did it change?

mine never changed, but i know lots of girls that it has changed for. some where in the begining months and some near the end, i think for everyone its a little different.

Message edited 3/12/2006 7:36:57 PM.

Posted 3/12/06 7:36 PM

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine was changed at the 20 week sonogram. The baby was measuring bigger and the date was moved up 8 days.

Posted 3/12/06 9:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine changed constantly, it was originally Sept 2, then changed to August 30th, they kept saying it was would be about the 20-26, and my son came on the 18th! So really 15 days befire my original due date, and I knew the day and minute he was conceived (those darn christmas parties really get you in the holiday spirit )Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 10:32 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: EDD - did it change?

For some reason it was March 15th then somehow during the 2nd trimester it went to the 14th Chat Icon No clue how or why...

Posted 3/13/06 7:57 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine changed by a few days, it went from Sept 18th at 5 weeks to Sept 22nd at 9 weeks. We could not go by the normal wheel they use to get your due date b/c I have longer than 28 day cycles, so they based it on the sonogram measurements. I am sure it will change again due to this.

Posted 3/13/06 10:01 AM

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine changed from July 5th to June 27th at my 2nd ultrasound. I never agreed with that because I knew pretty much when I conceived. However, I kept measuring a week ahead the rest of my pregnancy so they based everything on the second EDD. But, because I felt they were off, I did not let them induce me until July 5th. I think even that due date was early. I still believe that if they would have left it alone, I would have gone into labor on my own a week later. But they wouldn't allow it.

Posted 3/13/06 10:04 AM

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Re: EDD - did it change?

My doctor thinks I will go early based on the size of the baby at the sonograms and the fact that I have a 16 day cycle and my EDD was based on 28 day cycle, but since it will only be a few days - he didn't change my EDD. He said that since so few women actually go on their EDD its not worth it to change.

Posted 3/13/06 10:04 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: EDD - did it change?

I was originally March 8th and then moved to the 13th......they went by growth on my ultrasounds and changed it in my 1st trimester.

Posted 3/13/06 10:08 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: EDD - did it change?

My dates should have been changed based on my first ultrasouund, but only by a few days. My doc said that if the date from the ultrasound wasn't more than 2 weeks off from the date calculated by the wheel, then they wouldn't change it. So, even though the baby is measuring big, and I think they are off by about 4 days, they never changed the EDD in my chart.

Posted 3/13/06 10:56 AM

Making big changes

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine was changed at 32 weeks (I think...). It went from August 8 to July 28th.

Posted 3/13/06 10:58 AM

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Re: EDD - did it change?

mine changed at the 16 week sono, 19 week sono and 24 week sono. i'm having another sono at the 28th week and expect it to change again!! he just can't make up his mind!!

at first they noticed he was smaller than he should be so they figured he would be early and small (not preemie but close) and this is why i had so many sonos. now at the latest one they pushed me back to end of June (again) and said he is growing normally, but slow and they want him to stay put. i expect to be on bed rest towards the end

Posted 3/13/06 1:31 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine changed twice since I had a m/c without AF then getting pg.
The baby has been consistently measuring a week ahead, so tonights sono will concretly decide where we are.

Posted 3/13/06 2:51 PM

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Re: EDD - did it change?

Mine has changed but only by a few days. Originally it was 8/2, then it changed to 7/31 and now it is 7/29 (which has not hchaged in the last two visits). When we went in for the level 2 our little lovebug was measuring exactly on schedule.

Posted 3/13/06 3:23 PM

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