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Can we talk bottles!

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Member since 6/05

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Can we talk bottles!

We started our registering today and we were in the bottle section and I had orginally went in wanting to use the Playtex with the drop ins but my husband wanted to know what the difference was between the Advent and the Dr. Browns. So can anyone help me and let me know why they choose the ones they did. Thanks- Adrianna

Posted 11/6/05 6:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

We originally used the Playtex drop ins. I thought they were great because they warmed up in seconds and were easy to clean (just clean top part and use a new bag for the next time.) Then we switched to Avent. Avent and Dr. Browns are supposed to reduce babies gas. I like the Avent but didn't like Dr. Brown's because I found the bottles a pain in the butt to clean because of all the different pieces (nipple, bottle & straw parts.)
I also didn't see a difference from Dr Browns to Avent as once being any better than the other as far as reducing the gas bubbles but they say that Dr. Browns is supposed to be the best, followed by Avent. I say pick one and just get a few. You can always switch to a different one later.

Posted 11/6/05 6:18 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

I switch between Dr Brown's and Advent bottles. When he was a newborn I used the Dr. Brown's more bc he spit up alot and it seemed to happen less when I used them over the Advent.

I say register for both and they see which one works best for you when the baby is born.

Posted 11/6/05 6:40 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

my daughter had gas problems and colic the Dr Browns were a life saver she was soooo much better after switching!!!

Posted 11/6/05 6:52 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

I registered for the Platex Dropins they were rec to me by a few moms. BTW My mom swears by them also--she used them on us as well:)

Message edited 11/7/2005 6:47:16 AM.

Posted 11/6/05 10:20 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

My mother swears by the Playtex drop ins and that is what she used with all five of us so that is why I thought of using them.

Posted 11/6/05 10:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

I did drop ins and evenflo's... Dr. Browns my cousin told me although good, were a PITA to clean.. Never tried advent.. You should always register for different brands, as you have no idea what your baby will take to best..

One suggestion, as dumb as this sounds, if you are going to try to breast and bottle feed-- no matter what bottles you register for, try to pick a nipple that resembles yours, its easier to switch. That was the greatest bottle advice i got when I was preggo with #1!! :o)

Posted 11/7/05 1:30 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

Started out with Avent and hated them. They leaked and Jack would blow bubbles through the nipple and then have bad gas pains. Switched to Dr. Browns and from the first bottle there was a change for the better. And they really aren't that big of a deal to clean. You have an extra two piece thing that fits in the bottle and cleans so easy. I put it all in the dishwasher.

Posted 11/7/05 8:00 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

we registered for the drop ins---both DH and I have stomach issues, so we figured we'd try to avoid gas problems for our baby as soon as she's born!

The Playtex Vent Aires look great alos, same concept as the drop ins....the vent at the bottom allows air out and the liquid doesn't leak out!

Posted 11/7/05 8:37 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

Posted by HereWeGoAgain

I did drop ins and evenflo's... Dr. Browns my cousin told me although good, were a PITA to clean..

I love the Dr Browns...but they are such a PITA to clean!!!!

Posted 11/7/05 9:41 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

I've only used the Dr. Brown's. I take them apart and throw the nipple, the plastic tube and the yellow top in a basket that's in the dish washer. It comes out clean every time!

Posted 11/7/05 9:46 AM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

I have both the Playtex VentAire and Avent bottles...haven't had the chance to use them yet. Will see when baby is born which ones he/she likes better.

Posted 11/7/05 9:52 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

I have playtex ventaire's... we'll see how the little guy likes em!

Posted 11/7/05 1:01 PM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

First I tried the PLaytex drop-in's-HATED them-they made my daughter so gassy and cry so much, we then tried the ventaires-a little better but the flow on the nipples sucked-the slow flow was waaay too slow and she'd get frustrated, the fast she'd choke on-
Last-Dr.Browns and they were amazing-no more gas, easy to burp and much less spitting up.

Posted 11/7/05 2:43 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

Thanks everyone, all the advise was so helpful and I think I am going to register for each of them and see what happens.

Posted 11/7/05 6:37 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

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Re: Can we talk bottles!

I went with Playtex drop ins. I did this, because I intend on breastfeeding and I heard that Playtex is easy for the baby to go from breast to bottle. Also I really liked what I read up on their breast pump system, so will give it a go in due time.
Dr.Browns I just know is meant to reduce the air bubbles and is good for baby's with colic. It helps keep gas down.
Advent is a good brand as well, would have been my 2nd choice. A friend of mine use that and loved it.
Just try a few and see what the baby likes best.

Posted 11/7/05 6:47 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Can we talk bottles!

I use the Platex drop ins.

Posted 11/8/05 12:33 PM

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