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I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

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C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

He is an awesome guy and I know that I am just a bit anxious and overwhelmed by the entire process. He wants to continue with IUIs through June b/c he feels that I would be better off with IVF in the summer when I have more flexibility and freedom in my schedule since I am a teacher.

Although I agree with him on one hand, on the other I am just tired of not being pregnant. I feel like a complete loser who cannot seem to get this right. It is so frustrating b/c all of my good friends are pregnant right now and I am the odd girl out.

He is pretty confident that I will become pregnant with IVF. I am nervous that it won't stick and I really think I will be devistated.

Would it be crazy to start seeing a shrink about all of this fertility stuff?

Posted 3/3/06 8:07 PM
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Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

absolutely not crazy at all. There are a lot of therapists who specialize in infertility. Your clinic may have someone they can recommend.

I think it makes sense to wiat to the summer if you are a teacher. The time required for IVF appointments is significant and if you dont have the stress of getting to work you will be more relaxed. Sounds like you have a pretty good MD who is willing to look at the big picture!!

The waiting ssucks, and as someone who has had 1 failed IVF, I know you fear. BUt you know what.... we go on!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/06 8:13 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

I saw a therapist for a while, and it really helped.

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Posted 3/3/06 8:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

I am gettiing reccomendations to see someone myself simply to help deal with this. I feel like a failure, I cannot find much to be happy about these days and its killing me, and so I and the rest of us here know all too well how you feel.

Like Pauline said, we go on...and you will too, but I do suggest seeing someone even short time to help with the emotions....

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Posted 3/3/06 9:05 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

There is no reason why you shouldn't see a therapist. You need to be in a good place mentally for this whole process, so a therapist will definitely help you relax and be more positive.
I agree about the big picture also. Your RE is right about waiting, and in the summer you will have plenty of free time to go to appts.
Lot's of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you. This is a terrible process but the end result will be worth it!

Posted 3/4/06 7:43 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

I am so sorry, I know how overwhelming this is...and I believe therapy is a wonderful outlet. Interesting enough, every doctor I have seen for this ordeal, has never asked if I needed to talk to someone....but Dr. Scher did and he handed me a card.

I am not sure if this person is convenient for you but her name is Lisa Schuman, she is a psychotherapist and her office is in Manhattan. 590 West End Avenue
212-874-1318. Even if you can't see her, she may be able to help direct you to other therapists closer to you that deal with fertility issues.

Btw, I was a nyc teacher and being able to juggle all the RE visits and then come to work wasn't feasible for me. My principal didn't allow lateness and I ended up going over my 10 days allowed off...( I had 12 days of absence). I think what your doctor is saying is great advice.

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Posted 3/4/06 8:19 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: I went to the RE today and had a good cry all day long......

I know how you feel, and maybe your RE is right.
IVF is a BIG committment and you dont need that stress during the school year. Im also a teacher and I know I stressed out on getting coverage for my classes because when you are doing IVF you have many blood and sono appointments.
i wish you all the best Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
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Posted 3/4/06 9:41 AM

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