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Babies Weight.....

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Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Babies Weight.....

Julia's weight has gone up a lot since I had her 4 months ago, she is in the 90th percentile for her weight and shes fine with her height, I breastfeed her so the doctor said that it was funny shes so chubby when breastfed babies tend to be underweight. I'm so nervous about obesity in children, but everyone keeps telling me once she starts getting taller it will all even out. ?Does anyone else feel this way too?

Posted 11/9/05 9:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Babies Weight.....

That's wonderful that she's gaining weight so well on BM. I wouldn't worry about obesity yet at all.

Posted 11/10/05 9:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Babies Weight.....

I wouldn't worry much yet. Like my ped. said...she's not worried about weight much until 3-4 when kids are truly active all the time.

Besides, infants go through different growth spurts and that's why Dr's monitor their weight/height to make sure they are growing.

My daughter shot up to the top of the charts with-in the first month and has remained there 19 months later. Every child finds it's own curve and may or may not stay at that level. She's been about 92-100 % for height and 75-90 % for just depends. Chat Icon

Edited to add that she was EBF for the first 12 months. Chat Icon

Message edited 11/10/2005 9:35:43 AM.

Posted 11/10/05 9:34 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Babies Weight.....

Thanks for the info.....I feel better now.Chat Icon

Posted 11/10/05 9:41 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Babies Weight.....

I wouldn't worry about it so much Marissa was a very chubby baby she was always in the mid to high 90 % tile once she started to crawl she was still gaining but not as much and now that she has been walking she gains maybe 1 to 2 pound a month and she has slimmed out alot

Posted 11/10/05 9:41 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Babies Weight.....

I wouldn't worry about it at all. Some babies eat very well and some don't. Believe me, when they get a little older, sometimes you are lucky if you can get them to eat at all. They can be so fussy.

Posted 11/10/05 1:20 PM

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