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Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

how long it took you to get a positive hpt? I usually have a 24 day cycle and now I am on cd34 with no af and some cramping (like af)but no bleeding. Any help would be appreciated.

ETA: I took a test this am (Tues) and still a BFN. I really appreciate all of you helping out it makes me feel a little better. since you ladies are the only ones who know what going on. Thank you again.

Message edited 11/29/2005 9:57:16 AM.

Posted 11/28/05 8:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

My first symptoms were really bad AF cramping.. the worst I ever felt. I just knew then that I was PG even without the test. I was due to get AF in about 3 days at that time and got a BFP that day!

Posted 11/28/05 8:22 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

i had a lot of cramping...very bad actually like AF was due any minute. And i had severe mood swings. No sore boobs like most girls get. I tested positive about 4 days before AF was due. Good luck!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/05 8:23 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

Posted by LIPrincess

how long it took you to get a positive hpt? I usually have a 24 day cycle and now I am on cd34 with no af and some cramping (like af)but no bleeding. Any help would be appreciated.

Have you tested??

Posted 11/28/05 8:23 PM

Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

Yes, I tested yesterday and got a bfn I am going to test again tomorrow morning and I have a drs appt thurs, because I have never missed or been this late. I have heard that some woman dont get a positive for a while.

Posted 11/28/05 9:27 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

I have no idea what cd34 means but a day or so after my period was due (with this pregnancy) I got a BFN but a few days later I got a BFP on one. My first symptoms with all my pregnancies is sore breasts, I mean SORE, which I generally dont get at all with AF.

Good Luck

ETA: The BFP I got a few days after AF was due was so faint, I really wasnt sure I believed it. I happened to have an OB visit the next day unrelated to being pg and he confirmed it.

Message edited 11/28/2005 10:01:44 PM.

Posted 11/28/05 10:00 PM

Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...

CD34 means its been 34 days since the first day of af's last visit. I usually get it every 24 days. I tested Sat night and got a bfn. Then Sun am I tested at 630am (fmu) and thought it said neg,I left it in the bathroom and my husband woke up a couple of hours later my husband noticed a very faint pos line. Then I tested last night, and the same thing happened. I am going to test tomorrow am then I am going to the dr on Thurs, so one way or another I will have an answer but I was getting a little nervous so thats when I approached you ladies with questions,since you have been through it. Thank you

Posted 11/28/05 10:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

With my first pregnancy I tested twice within my first month my AF was late. I tested again in the second month.. Still neg.--

I was 11.5 weeks when I got my BFP.. from a blood test that I was scared to schedule.. I took a EPT the night before the blood work! LOL.. HTH.. I will cross my fingers for you!!

Posted 11/29/05 1:19 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/05

5 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

I swore I was getting my period a few times...REALLY bad cramps...then the usual...sore boobs...and VERY emotional. I was watching the movie racing stripes and went into tears like 3 times!


FYI...from what I read on the test instructions...a faint line is a good line...but I would wait to see what the Dr. says.

Message edited 11/29/2005 8:24:45 AM.

Posted 11/29/05 8:23 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

I went through fertility treatments, so I had to go in for a blood test to see if I was PG. I felt NO symptoms of being PG at all, other than the typical AF cramping, so I was sure that I wasn't PG. It wasn't until a couple of weeks after I found out that I was PG that the sore boobs came.

Posted 11/29/05 8:35 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

i had very sore boobs, that's about it. Got a BFP the day after AF was late with a digital test.

Posted 11/29/05 8:44 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

before both my BFP I experienced AF like cramps but they were way too early to be AF cramps...I had them about 2 weeks before the BFP. This PG I also found myself VERY flaky and forgetful before the BFP (it was to the point where co-workers noticed and asked if something was wrong!!)

No sore boobs, and I didn't get tired till after the BFP.

Posted 11/29/05 8:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

146 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

Jaimie - I know a couple of people who didn't get a BFP on HPT for a couple of weeks after being late. Also, when I was about a week late and no AF, I called the doctor and was told that it isn't uncommon for the HPT to be negative and to wait a week and test again.

As for the faint line last night, a line is a line. The one your husband saw could have been an evaporation line but if a faint line showed up last night - I would say that is a BFP!

Posted 11/29/05 8:48 AM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

Did you test yet this morning??? Let us know!!! Baby Dust for a BFP!!!!

Posted 11/29/05 9:19 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

I was on a 36 day cycle and I tested the day after my missed period and I got a BFP and the lines were SO DARK it couldn't be missed. I didn't have too many symptoms, just usual cramping.

Posted 11/29/05 9:23 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Can you tell me what the first symptoms were and...(pls read and answer, more info below) thank you.

I tested with a digital test a week after AF was suppose to show and got a "pregnant" result.
I thought AF was coming because I had cramps and sore boobs. Also, I felt bloated and more tired than normal.

Posted 11/29/05 10:30 AM

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