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What would you do? Ebay Related

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Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

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What would you do? Ebay Related


Ok, so I've been searching for a coffee table set for a while and found a set on ebay yesterday for $75. I love the set and the price is great, so I ask some questions, then the seller raises the price to $100, so I question why and this is her response:

"sure, from the advice of a friend who thought I could get more, I decided to raise it. I also have this item listed on craig's list and have had a few other people interested. So, i guess it is first come first serve basis. If i get an offer higher than I have listed on here, I will be removing the item before the closing date of the sale. "

Even though I think her selling tactics are horrible, the price is great and I do really like the set. Would you still continue with the sale? Thanks

Posted 6/24/08 9:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 9/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

What's her feedback like? Perhaps you can offer her a little bit more and she'll sell to you. I would be very put off though if she raised the price after I expressed some interest.

Good luck!

Posted 6/24/08 9:44 AM


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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by CoopersMom01

What's her feedback like? Perhaps you can offer her a little bit more and she'll sell to you. I would be very put off though if she raised the price after I expressed some interest.

Good luck!

Yeah seriously- Who does that? I think its kind of rude.

Posted 6/24/08 9:45 AM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by CoopersMom01

What's her feedback like? Perhaps you can offer her a little bit more and she'll sell to you. I would be very put off though if she raised the price after I expressed some interest.

Good luck!

yea, and I checked craigslist and I don't see the listing. (not to say its not there being sometimes finding listings on craigslist is a PITA). She has a 12 feedback but has never sold anything, only bought. I do know $100 is a great deal. Technically if I bid on it now at $100 and won the auction, she would HAVE to sell it to me. I'm a huge ebayer and I do know the policies and what she is doing isn't right. Also, the listing ends in 2 days (she can canx the listing within 24 hours of the end time/date). Hmmm, still not sure

Posted 6/24/08 9:46 AM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Well, I would keep an eye on it... if the price hasn't moved on the last day start bidding.... If she's a whack-a-doo or a scam artist at least you'll be protected by PayPal and eBay.

Good luck!

Posted 6/24/08 10:22 AM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Personally, I think her tactics suck, but as a seller, I know I want to get every penny I can for an item. If it's worth it to you, just go for it. Stick with PayPal to be protected though Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/08 10:49 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

watch the item. but i would also send her a message and let her know that as an FYI what she is doing isn't good selling practices...and that she obviously isn't a seller on there---but you want to give her a heads up for next time

Posted 6/24/08 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

i probably wouldn't buy it - but that's because i'm spiteful Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/08 11:26 AM

Square head cutie pants

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by kerrycec03

Posted by CoopersMom01

What's her feedback like? Perhaps you can offer her a little bit more and she'll sell to you. I would be very put off though if she raised the price after I expressed some interest.

Good luck!

yea, and I checked craigslist and I don't see the listing. (not to say its not there being sometimes finding listings on craigslist is a PITA). She has a 12 feedback but has never sold anything, only bought. I do know $100 is a great deal. Technically if I bid on it now at $100 and won the auction, she would HAVE to sell it to me. I'm a huge ebayer and I do know the policies and what she is doing isn't right. Also, the listing ends in 2 days (she can canx the listing within 24 hours of the end time/date). Hmmm, still not sure

Watch out.. someone who only has a 12 feedback and none as a seller has nothing to lose by screwing you over. Just because you may win the auction doesn't mean you are guaranteed to actually get the table. She may list it on Craigs list as well to see where she can get the most money for it. So, what if you win it on ebay and then someone offers her more for it on Craigs list? She'd sell it to them instead i'm sure.
Seems to me she's already shown that she's not a very smart or trustworthy seller by even saying that in the first place. As a seller/bidder on ebay, i take my feedback/reputation seriously and if i don't want to sell something for a certain price, then i wouldn't list it. I know she says that she changed her mind, but to do so after she's listed it and after you asked a question is not cool.
Just know that if you bid on it, you run the risk of having it fall through.
Good luck!

Posted 6/24/08 3:31 PM

Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by sticklee

i probably wouldn't buy it - but that's because i'm spiteful Chat Icon

same here

Posted 6/24/08 4:11 PM

Lets Get This!!!!!

Member since 1/07

1110 total posts


Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by sticklee

i probably wouldn't buy it - but that's because i'm spiteful Chat Icon

me too

Posted 6/24/08 5:26 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Honestly with a 12 Feedback Score & that little stunt the seller pulled I would stay away, even though you really want it. Its just not worth it!

Posted 6/24/08 5:47 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: What would you do? Ebay Related

Posted by BabyCote2006

Personally, I think her tactics suck, but as a seller, I know I want to get every penny I can for an item. If it's worth it to you, just go for it. Stick with PayPal to be protected though Chat Icon


Posted 6/24/08 6:44 PM

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