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Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

OK, so I'm finally ready to face the fact that I am having a second baby in 3.5 weeks Chat Icon I am about to order a new stroller--the Baby Trend Sit and Stand from BIG DILEMMA...

Do I get the "deluxe" with the removable seat that converts to the jump seat or just the one with the jump seat???

Here's the thing...

I only like the blue or the green and those are backordered until early June (baby coming 5/8) if I want the removable seat. Otherwise, I can order the original version, any color, right now.

Background on Katherine:
1. She hates strollers.
2. She has never fallen asleep in her life in the stroller.
3. She yells "UP UP UP" after about 15 minutes max.

I conclude she will hate to be confined inside the removable seat, so why bother getting the "deluxe?" But if and when I have a 3rd baby, will I regret that decision if he/she is completely opposite of Kate?

For $135, does it even matter?

What would you do?

Posted 4/12/07 4:36 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

Wait for the one you want!! a month is no biggie. You won't leave the house much in the 1st month anyway.

Posted 4/12/07 4:59 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

See, I'm going to tell you to just go ahead and get the original!! The deluxe with the second seat didn't look like a great option to me (does the older kid have to sit with his/her feet in the basket??). Not to mention it wasn't available when I got mine.

Anyhow, being that your are going to be close in age, I would want the stroller for both from the day you have the 2nd. I couldn't imagine going anywhere without one. Especially with 2.

JMO. Good Luck!

Posted 4/12/07 6:00 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

Posted by chmlengr

See, I'm going to tell you to just go ahead and get the original!! The deluxe with the second seat didn't look like a great option to me (does the older kid have to sit with his/her feet in the basket??). Not to mention it wasn't available when I got mine.

Anyhow, being that your are going to be close in age, I would want the stroller for both from the day you have the 2nd. I couldn't imagine going anywhere without one. Especially with 2.

JMO. Good Luck!

I agree - I looked at the deluxe model after ordering the regular SNS and freaked that I made the wrong choice. But the more I looked at the deluxe model the more the older toddler looked cramped to me. It does look like their feet are in the basketChat Icon

How close will your kids be in age? Mine will be 3 yrs apart, but if they were much closer I would have bought a side by side double stroller. Then again, if your older girl doesn't like strollers at all, then maybe the reg. SNS will work so she can hop in and out whenever she wants.

Posted 4/12/07 8:02 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

I'd get the regular one, I don't think you need the seat for a 2.5 year old. Sarah's been in ours since she was 22 months. Sarah really didn't like regular strollers, but loves the sit n stand. i think it's b/c when she's sitting on the jumpseat she can chatter away to me but still be able to check out everything that's going on.

Posted 4/12/07 8:14 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Will I be kicking myself? Stroller related dilemma

Thanks for the input ladies.

I ended up ordering the original Sit and Stand in metallic blue. Katherine and #2 will be 20 months apart and if she doesn't like the "full" stroller now, there's probably no sense in trying to stuff her into a double at 2 years plus.

Thanks again...can't wait to get it now! Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/07 8:52 PM

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