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Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

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Member since 5/05

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Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

We went yesterday but we didnt stay till after the credits cause we didnt know and NOW everyone is saying we missed the best clip?

Anyone see it and can tell me what happened?

Message edited 5/29/2006 11:55:10 AM.

Posted 5/28/06 1:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3?

i saw it lastnight and I didn't stay til after the credits either, Can someone please tell us what happened??

Posted 5/28/06 10:40 PM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3?

SPOLIER ALERT.....(major spolier...)

if you havn't seen the movie...don't read.......but make sure you watch the credits after they have ended...

After the credits have rolled.....there is a scene in a hostipal were a patient that is comatosed with brian damaged awakens and calls for Dr. Mactaggert with the voice of Charles Xariver.... (remembered, charles died)...Dr replys charles or xavier...then it ends... *sequal hopeuflly coming)

Dr. mactaggert first name is Mora ....

Remember the lecture charles gave to the students where he ended early and was referenceing a Dr named Mora who is doing studies on ethical mutant behavior...? Well, Mora is Dr. Mactaggert...


Message edited 5/28/2006 11:13:30 PM.

Posted 5/28/06 11:13 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3?

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DAMN IT Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/06 9:56 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

Thanks TOM!

Posted 5/29/06 11:55 AM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

I only knew to stay for the credits because someone was nice enough to warn me.

Posted 5/29/06 3:57 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

I'm SO mad that there was no warning about that. That's kind of an important scene to throw in the credits like it's nothing. DH and I were almost the last ones out of the theater on opening day, so that's a theater full of people that missed a key scene. A "stay tuned after the movie" alert would've been nice.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/06 5:48 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

We went today and most of the people left when the credits started. I had been told to wait, so we did and saw that final scene Chat Icon
Thanks Farah!

Posted 5/29/06 8:05 PM

I'm ONE!

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Re: Did anyone see X-men 3? (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted by BabyBoy

SPOLIER ALERT.....(major spolier...)

if you havn't seen the movie...don't read.......but make sure you watch the credits after they have ended...

After the credits have rolled.....there is a scene in a hostipal were a patient that is comatosed with brian damaged awakens and calls for Dr. Mactaggert with the voice of Charles Xariver.... (remembered, charles died)...Dr replys charles or xavier...then it ends... *sequal hopeuflly coming)

Dr. mactaggert first name is Mora ....

Remember the lecture charles gave to the students where he ended early and was referenceing a Dr named Mora who is doing studies on ethical mutant behavior...? Well, Mora is Dr. Mactaggert...


Sorry didn't realize there was already a thread about this...

So, yeah, I guess there's going to be a sequel. Also, Xavier's lecture was about the ethics of using the body of a brain dead patient to give life to someone who's body is no longer viable. So at the end, Xavier is INSIDE the body of the brain dead patient, that's why Moira didn't notice it until he spoke...very cool! Chat Icon

I just totally was not feeling the whole Goths in Sherwood Forest look. I mean why were all of the mutants in leather with freaky piercings???? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/30/06 9:45 AM

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