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Toys for 5 month old ??

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My lil Princess... ;)

Member since 7/06

1590 total posts


Toys for 5 month old ??

My DD is 5 months old and would like to see some of the toys that youre little one loves to get some ideas ???
My DD loves to look around and see everyone, have swing, the bouncer shes tooo heavy , and she doesnt like to be placed in one spot to long maybe 15 min the longest ??

Posted 1/29/07 11:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Toys for 5 month old ??

Megan still loves her playmat, especially now since shes all over the place and gets different views now.

She has the learning ball by leap frog that she loves to try to spin and listen to.

She has the rings that light up..but since she cant do it yet, she just likes looking at the lights and toppling it over.

She loves all her rattles now since she can hold onto things now. Everything goes directly in the mouth.

I bought her the learning puppy for christmas..shes not too into that just yet.

She also has the hide and seek piano which SHE LOVES! I think thats an awesome toy for this age.

Other than that, she loves her books and when I read to her and her baby einstein dvds.

Posted 1/30/07 1:48 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: Toys for 5 month old ??

Right now Parker loves the exeasaucer and the jumper. My in-laws got her the jumper and I didn't think we needed it. She actually is really getting into it. I can usually get 15-20 mins out of each of these. She doesn't really like to sit still. She also loves to watch Play with me Sesame and The Backyardagins.

She is rolling all over so I find that she likes little toys she can roll to, pick-up and roll back with. I have a mirror that plays music and there is a mouse that goes round and round, the hide and seek piano, plush toys and rattles.

I have a lot of toys that she will be ready for once she can completely sit on her own. We are almost there. I think that milestone will open up a whole new world for her.

Posted 1/30/07 7:54 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

60 total posts


Re: Toys for 5 month old ??

What is the hide and seek piano?

DS really likes a toy called the "loops a lot," and also his taggie ball. He's definitely into his activity mat and leapfrog learning table as well. Books are great. Bouncy seat and swing are not as exciting as they used to be.

Posted 1/30/07 10:46 PM

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