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Toys in the crib

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Toys in the crib

what are everyone's thoughts on this? Part of me says no, crib is for sleeping and don't encourage him playing at night, the other part says let him play a little if he wakes up so he can get tired and fall back to sleep. I don't know whether to keep the toys in there or not! He likes to wake at 5am, talk to himself (or play a little) and the fall back at like 5:45/6:00. I would love him to just staaaaaay asleep and wonder if toys would prevent that?

Posted 1/15/07 8:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Toys in the crib

DD is not so much into toys yet...but she does have the FP ocean wonders aquarium in her crib. She loved to play with the little lobster roll thing on it. I keep trying to teach her to push the shell so she can turn it back on, but she hasn't figured that out yet Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/07 8:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Toys in the crib

Posted by luvsun27

DD is not so much into toys yet...but she does have the FP ocean wonders aquarium in her crib. She loved to play with the little lobster roll thing on it. I keep trying to teach her to push the shell so she can turn it back on, but she hasn't figured that out yet Chat Icon

Ryan has this toy too, I am waiting til I drop the mattress so he doesn't jam his head up underneath it. he is going to love this one - it's supposed to soothe them to sleep (right?) but I can see him just playing it over and over once he figures out how. This is why I'm unsure whether or not to put it in there!

Posted 1/15/07 8:49 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Toys in the crib

we have toys in the crib. i leave them at the end she doesnt sleep in. and during nap time i move them closer to her and she plays then falls asleep.

Posted 1/15/07 8:52 PM

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