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Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

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LIF Zygote

Member since 8/12

30 total posts


Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

I have never posted on this board before but I am currently experiencing a miscarriage and found reading posts on this forum really comforting. I found out I was pregnant on July 24 and was feeling all of the symptoms. Then this past Thursday I noticed that I hadn't felt nausea since Tuesday morning but figured it was all in my head. The nagging feeling persisted so I took a First Response digital test at 4pm on Friday and it came up "NO." My husband and I got very worried. Then around midnight that night some light bleeding started and by Yesterday morning the cramping was unbearable and the bleeding was unmistakably a miscarriage. The physical and mental pain of the last 2 days has been immeasurable. My doctor told me to come in on Monday for an exam. Does anyone know what he will do at this exam? Also I have read that many people start trying again right away because you are more fertile right after a miscarriage. How long should I expect bleeding and how soon should I really wait to start trying?

I should also mention that I have a healthy 2 year old son and this is my first miscarriage. We have been trying since Christmas for this pregnancy. I was 5 weeks along.

Posted 8/3/14 2:19 PM

Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11

6338 total posts


Re: Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

I am sorry for your lossChat Icon
When you go to the doctor he/she may just give you an ultrasound to see if there is anything in there and may give you a pelvic exam.

As far as you TTC again you can only decide when is the right time. I experienced a loss last month and my DH and I decided to wait until later this year late November early December(we are going to do a FET cycle our loss was a shock unexpected pregnancy we conceived not long after our DD was born). Reason being we need to be prepared mentally and also have birthdays and our anniversary coming up and I want to prepare my body for it. So it's really a personal choice.

Posted 8/3/14 5:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

706 total posts


Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

I had a similar experience last month. A agree they will probably do US and pelvic exam. They also may do blood work to check your HCG levels. I miscarried naturally and bled for three weeks, the first few days were the worst and then it got a little better. Three different doctors have told me that you have to wait one cycle before trying again. I'm not exactly sure why, but they all said it and seemed to take it seriously.

Posted 8/4/14 11:00 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

344 total posts


Re: Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

I'm so sorry for your loss Chat Icon the doctor will more than likely do an ultrasound to make sure everything has passed and a blood test to check your HCG levels. I didn't need a D and C and bled for about a week (I was 7 weeks) and we had to wait until I got my period which was about 5 weeks after my MC and then we got the green light to try again. We did IUI to get prego but I don't think it is different for natural. I know how hard it is, hang in there Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/14 12:37 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

8346 total posts


Re: Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

So sorry for your loss Chat Icon

For me it was a pelvic exam and a bunch of ultrasounds to check if it was complete.

It's all up to you and when you can mentally and physically handle being pregnant again.

I had the start of a MC on xmas, it was not complete so they gave me meds to complete it and between my dr, and the 2 high risk dr's I saw with the sono's to confirm if it was complete I got completely different answers.

One of the high risk dr's told me I could try once I got my first period after the MC. The other high risk one told me to wait 3 cycles. My dr told me I could start trying right away.

Honeslty, my head, mind, body wasn't in it at that point. I had the MC and then I just never got my period. Miracuously I was pregnant again but my mind was constantly going on the what if's. Now my son is almost 2 years old.
with 2 of my children I got pregnant right after I had a loss.

Posted 8/4/14 12:47 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/12

30 total posts


Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

Thank you all for the advice and information! The apt went fine and my doctor was great, calming fears about future miscarriages and answered a huge list of my questions. This whole process has been hell and my heart goes out to every woman who has ever had to go through it or dealt with the horror of a baby loss. Chat Icon

Message edited 8/5/2014 8:02:20 AM.

Posted 8/5/14 8:01 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

I was in the same boat several months ago. Started bleeding, I didn't have to be a doctor to know what was happening. I was 7 weeks. The dr had me come in. They did an ultrasound and saw the sac, and the fetal pole and the sac was all squished like something crushed it. I had to get blood work a few times to make sure all the hormone levels dropped. My dr reccomended waiting 2 cycles because the uterus isn't as strong after a m/c. To be honest I definitely needed those 2 months emotionally to heal. I am now almost 10 weeks pregnant and all is going well so far.

Posted 8/7/14 9:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

565 total posts


Trying after a miscarriage- how soon?

Wow its sad what we have to go threw for something that seems so simple. I hope your feeling better did they say you can start trying again right away

Posted 8/16/14 12:00 AM

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